A table full of delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes.

大麻 and Culinary Pairings in San Francisco

创新的大麻休息室遍布整个城市,还有屡获殊荣的美食场景, it’s time to elevate your dining experience.

Cuisine and cannabis are proving to be quite the delicious duo. 它们共同吸引了全球的关注——而且有充分的理由. 

你知道大麻是气味,味道,味道和质地的放大器吗? 与我们的 烹饪 talent, San Francisco is the best place for this perfect pairing. In the early evening, San Francisco cannabis lounges 欢迎餐前人群放松,吸收和唤醒感官,增强用餐体验. 

当你开始你的大麻和烹饪配对冒险时,让你的直觉成为你的向导. 从这些贝博体彩app美食点中选择,都值得大麻增强体验.

  • 如果你吸食的是富含四氢大麻酚的大麻,请记住“开始时少,慢慢来”. Full effects may take hours to register. 向您的大麻经销商询问适合您的经验水平和产品偏好的产品建议. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy! 


2120 Chestnut St.

This old-school 意大利 deli serves up mouthwatering sandwiches, 堆得高高的是自家烤制的冷盘和花园新鲜的食材. 从奶油马苏里拉奶酪到胡椒腊肠再到清淡松软的咸佛卡夏奶酪, 吃完最后一口后,你会久久地梦想着卢卡三明治. For a complete picnic lunch, 用他们的招牌三明治配上一品脱土豆沙拉, a sweet 意大利 soda, and a decadent cannoli.

Taqueria El Farolito


El Farolito是mission风格的墨西哥卷饼和深夜食物的黄金标准,值得等待. It’s hard to beat their overstuffed specialties, which include generously-filled tacos and quesadillas, 太. 点一份超级卷饼,你可以选择多汁的肉和融化的奶酪, 冷却克丽玛, 鲜亮的牛油果沙司裹在柔软有弹性的玉米饼里.

The Ice Cream Bar


When you have a hankering for a sweet treat, 骑上这个复古的冰淇淋喷泉,品尝他们自制的口味, 苏打水漂浮, and stacked sundaes. 一勺焦糖蜂蜜冰淇淋是一块苹果派的完美搭档. The brownie sundae with mint chip, a heaping dollop of marshmallow cream, and a drizzle of hot fudge is a dessert lover’s dream.



With a modern twist on classic Chinese dishes, dining at Mr. 玖的餐厅是一种令人愉悦的体验,配得上米其林星级. Indulge in delectable seafood dumplings, sourdough scallion pancakes with crème fraiche and caviar, 还有嚼劲, umami-packed beef chow fun noodles. 让你的想象力或谈话自由发挥,等待节目的明星:脆皮, 烟雾缭绕的, and moist whole-roasted duck.

Anchor Oyster Bar


When your heart is set on seafood, 漫步到锚牡蛎酒吧,品尝贝博体彩app的经典:cioppino, a warm and satisfying tomato-based stew packed with crab, 虾, 贻贝, 和鱼. Order it with extra crusty, 撒上帕尔马干酪的大蒜面包是刮出美味肉汤的完美工具. For a taste of the ocean, try the Anchor Special: oysters, 虾, and steamed clams, 都在等着挤点柠檬汁或一小撮辣根鸡尾酒酱.



在日本城的Waraku,惬意地享用一碗高级黑蒜tonkatsu拉面. Served with succulent marinated pork belly and chashu slices, the aromatic broth is toasty, 奶油, 再加上溏心蛋黄和一勺葱,味道就更浓了, 蘑菇, 竹子, 和玉米. If you have a taste for something with more crunch, sink your teeth into crispy, 嫩咬的鸡肉会让你随着低保真背景音乐摇头.

La Ciccia


Take your tastebuds on an adventure at La Ciccia, 在诺埃谷,大胆的撒丁岛风味在私密的环境中闪耀. 每一口特色海鲜菜肴,都能让你尽情领略浓郁的风味, like the slightly spicy baby octopus stew. 从松软的松露土豆团子到更复杂的海胆和磨碎的金枪鱼心番茄通心粉, the umami-forward pasta dishes are perfect for sharing.



Caribbean comfort food takes center stage at 恰恰恰恰, with a vibrant ambiance to match the crowd-pleasing tapas. 准备好入口即化的大蕉和新鲜柑橘味的酸橘汁腌鱼吧. Save room for the jerk chicken, which comes with rice and a peppery, garlicky gravy that will make you want to lick your plate clean.


855 Terry A Francois Blvd. 

Soak in the sun and views at 坡道, 这是一家休闲的海滨餐厅,深受当地人的喜爱,在米申湾举办赛前和赛后聚会. Fill up with juicy burgers, jumbo onion rings, crispy battered fish and salted chips, or tacos with 奶油 guacamole. Enjoy the fresh air and stick around for the live music, 每周四到周日都能给这里带来有节奏的活力.

CyBelle’s Front Room


Boasting an extensive vegan and non-vegan menu, 没有人需要在披萨天堂CyBelle 's Front Room妥协. 比如芝士通心粉披萨和“哥斯拉”三明治——一堆涂满番茄酱的帕尔马干酪鸡肉, mozzarella sticks, 还有烤椒盐卷饼面包上的通心粉——你对碳水化合物的渴望会被这里丰盛的组合所满足. 糖粉煎饼配上粘稠的焦糖酱,是一顿饱腹大餐的甜蜜收尾.

大麻 marketing expert and author Brian Applegarth
Brian Applegarth

Brian is the Founder of 大麻 Travel Association International (CTAI), 一个致力于大麻可持续发展和大麻全球旅行的非营利组织. He is a seasoned world traveler, 谁寻求真实的和不寻常的文化体验结合大麻和大麻注入冒险. 布莱恩是一位值得信赖的顾问和顾问,为屡获殊荣的旅游目的地提供服务. He is passionate about cultural preservation, sustainable development, and transformative travel experiences that promote inclusion, 股本, 和幸福. Brian is creating The 大麻 Trail这是一个包含九个县的文化之旅,庆祝大麻合法化运动的故事.
