贝博体彩app夜生活by Neighborhood |贝博体彩app旅游-贝博体彩
A group of travelers share a drink at a 贝博体彩app bar.

夜生活 by Neighborhood

贝博体彩app有太多可看可做的地方,游客和居民都可以花上几周的时间去探索,但仍然没有看到或做所有的事情. But what about activities when the sun goes down?

贝博体彩app has the 夜生活 to match its variety of daytime 景点. 如果你想在下班后探索海湾之城, head to one or all of these 贝博体彩app 社区.

的 Best Neighborhood for 鸡尾酒:


联合广场是那些由“专家”调制的美味鸡尾酒的聚集地." Look no further than 山楂, 它提供了一个完整的工艺鸡尾酒菜单以及签名最爱, lovingly prepared by some of the city's finest mixologists. Your first glance at the Pacific Cocktail Haven 饮料菜单会告诉你,你在这个屡获殊荣的酒吧里有一些非凡的东西. Recognized as one of 的 World's 50 Best Bars,  P.C.H.哦,啪!! 特色是杜松子酒,苦艾酒,雪利酒,柑橘,汤力和糖脆豆-不是你通常的组合. For jaw-dropping 360° city views and great cocktails, 城市景观 in the Hilton 贝博体彩app 联合广场 is the place to be. Watch the sunset from 40+ stories up! 

的 Best Neighborhood for Dive Bars:


在米申区(任务)这些朴实无华的潜水酒吧里,你一定会与当地人接触. 的 500 Club beckons with a vintage neon sign, keeps you with cheap drinks and a jukebox, 它自然是一个潜水酒吧,浴室的墙上满是涂鸦. 可能是城里仅存的几个电话亭中的一个, 这家潜水酒吧拥有廉价的瓶装和桶装啤酒,还有一张破旧的台球桌. Bender’s Bar and Grill 这里有酒吧食品和饮料,还有两张台球桌和一个照相亭. 它外面的露台没什么好写的,这让它保持了潜水酒吧的声誉.

的 Best Neighborhood to Dance the Night Away:


SoMa has so many dance clubs, you’ll want to hit them all. 开始 DNA休息室, where the music’s a mix of DJ beats and live bands, ranging from punk to rockabilly to pop and more. 猫俱乐部的 got two dance floors and a go-go cage, and a versatile menu of '80s music including goth, 新一波, pop and electro. 夜总会 绿洲 提供嘉宾出场的歌舞表演艺术家和变装皇后, as well as amazing DJs and dance parties.  Audio was designed to give you an otherworldly sound experience, 它的弹簧舞池会让你整晚都动个不停.

的 Best Neighborhood for a Performance and a Nightcap:

Civic Center / Hayes Valley

贝博体彩app的大部分表演大厅都位于这个社区. Go to Davies Symphony Hall to hear the 贝博体彩app Symphony,以及客座管弦乐队和经典电影系列的音乐伴奏. If you like arias with your instruments, try the 贝博体彩app Opera, located in the historic War Memorial Opera House. Jazz lovers will delight in the SFJAZZ Center在这里,从格莱美奖得主到冉冉升起的新星,演出日程都在不断变化. 的 贝博体彩app Ballet 演出季从1月持续到5月,12月上演《贝博体彩》(的 Nutcracker). 的atre fans can take in a show at either BroadwaySF的 奥菲姆或金门剧院,或者,想要一个独特的、令人费解的声音空间体验,试试吧 Audium.

在高雅的地方喝一杯睡前酒,结束一个艺术和文化之夜 Charmaine's Rooftop Bar & 休息室 or 白色的教堂. 夏曼餐厅有欧洲的感觉,有很棒的城市景色,火坑会让你感到舒适. Gin—and only gin—is on the drink menu at 白色的教堂, which offers the largest gin selection in North America. 走进去,就会被送到伦敦东部某地的地下地铁站.

的 Best Neighborhood to Grab a Microbrew:

Richmond / Presidio

贝博体彩app有不少提供微酿啤酒的酒吧, and the Richmond and Presidio 社区—home of the Fort Point 啤酒 Company—feature two of the best. Sessions at the Presidio 这是一个享受夜生活的好地方吗,因为晚上8点关门.m. 每天. 这里有25种微酿啤酒,每天都有变化,值得一游, as well as its 每天 beer flight of three five-ounce pours. 塞申斯还有一份常设菜单,按瓶供应近90种精酿啤酒和苹果酒. 的 Richmond Republic Draught House 附近是否有一家备有20多种精酿啤酒的体育酒吧, and each pour priced between $7 and $12. If you’ll be visiting often, 成为马克杯俱乐部的一员,所有的啤酒都能享受减价优惠, with one free $7 beer on Tuesdays.

的 Best Neighborhood to Savor a Glass of 酒:

Embarcadero / Financial District 

If you prefer to sip your 夜生活 slowly, 这个社区有一些独特的地方可以享受当地的葡萄酒. 的 Barrel Room 提供超过50种葡萄酒的玻璃和飞行,与一个地下酒吧开放晚. 这里的葡萄酒 的 贝博体彩app 酒 Society span the globe and encompass an 18-page menu. Enjoy them in a comfortable, 如果你喜欢和你的葡萄酒一起活动,可以考虑预订室外的地滚场. 的 Barbarossa 休息室 向前泡泡酒廊致敬,它取代了一个慷慨的香槟菜单. 如果你喜欢喝起泡酒,把椅子拉过来. Enjoy the architecture, as well as the bathroom wallpaper. 严肃的葡萄酒饮用者,或者严肃的商务或约会的葡萄酒饮用者,应该去 记者俱乐部. 这家复古现代的酒吧是美国仅有的几家酒吧之一.S. to offer rare magnums by the glass, using the patented Coravin 系统. You have to see, and taste, it for yourself.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, 贝博体彩app and the Bay Area, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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