观光,餐饮,和更多在渔人码头 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


享受购物的一天, 观光, 在渔人码头附近用餐, 贝博体彩app最受欢迎的社区之一.

渔人码头 is as iconic to San Francisco as the 金门大桥 and the historic 缆车. This area dates back to the 1800s during the California gold rush when 意大利 immigrants came to San Francisco looking for jobs, 和繁荣. 许多人定居下来 北海滩 也就是现在的渔人码头. 这些渔民在贝博体彩app湾获得了巨大的成功, catching Dungeness crab and other local delicacies to sell from their boats.
码头在70年代开始转型 & 变成了一个繁华的旅游胜地. 看着渔船来来往往, 修补网, and bring in the catch of the day became a fun activity for both locals and tourists. In 2010, 这个社区得到了进一步的发展, 把它变成文化中心, 食物, 和今天的工业! 当探索, 沿着码头和海滨地区寻找一些历史遗迹, 你不会错过的! 


从美丽的景色和海洋 海狮 to 蛤蜊浓汤 bread bowls and California wines, your visit to the area starts at 码头39. 从探索两个层次开始您的参观 餐厅、娱乐、 购物,景点包括硬石咖啡馆、7D体验馆、 雾港鱼屋, sailing options, and much more - all surrounded by unbeatable views of the city and the bay. 有这么多有趣的活动,这里是我们最喜欢的 在码头39要做的10件事. 走出去,探索贝博体彩app这个遗愿清单上的目的地! 


阿尔卡特拉斯岛 是每个人,尤其是第一次来的人必去的地方吗. Aptly named 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 Cruises, the National Park Service concessionaire operates visits to 阿尔卡特拉斯岛. Visitors can tour the eerie old cellblocks and listen to recorded memories of former prisoners and guards. The night tour is especially spooky and provides a great way to see San Francisco twinkle! 

  • 提示: Be sure to book reservations well in advance of your visit to San Francisco.



与商店, 啤酒厂,屡获殊荣 餐厅, Ghirardelli广场是贝博体彩app的首选目的地. 欣赏壮观的景色 金门大桥 to 阿尔卡特拉斯岛,景观花园,独一无二 购物当然,还有著名的Ghirardelli巧克力.

  • 提示: 一定要享受Ghirardelli举世闻名的热软糖周日, featuring fresh hot fudge handmade daily in-store from rich Ghirardelli chocolate. 


码头39 & 海滩圣.

Walk through clear tunnels to experience the underwater world of just some of the aquarium's 20,000只海洋动物, 包括豹鲨, 蝙蝠鱼, 巨大的鲈鱼在头顶游来游去. Make sure to catch the river otters at play and the giant Pacific octopus on view, too. You can purchase an 海湾水族馆 ticket as part of a CityPASS attraction pass to save on other attractions as well.





从海德街穿过杰斐逊街 缆车 turnaround, grab lunch or a pick-me-up at the always-popular Buena Vista, which introduced 爱尔兰咖啡运往美国 回到20世纪50年代.

  • 最喜欢的菜: Dungeness螃蟹融化, 酸面包碗里的蛤蜊浓汤, 烤火鸡配鼠尾草肉汁, 还有美味的肉桂奶油南瓜派



有很多选择 晚餐 渔人码头附近, but Scoma’s is a local tradition famous for fresh sea食物 and its classic feel. Delicious, fresh sea食物 combines with iconic waterfront views of the San Francisco Bay. 一定要去参观他们的所在地 索萨利托,短的 渡轮 来自贝博体彩app! 

  • 最喜欢的菜: Dungeness蟹鸡尾酒, 牡蛎全昏迷, 蛤蜊浓汤, “懒人”的乔皮诺, 和意大利肉酱面. 



Two-story flagship building allows visitors to observe the bakery in action. Learn how their famous sourdough French bread is made and why it cannot be baked anywhere else on earth. Stop by the upstairs Bistro to try an iconic SF eat, 蛤蜊浓汤 in a sourdough bread bowl! 也, 试试他们的酸面包皮披萨, 三明治(当然是酸面包), 他们的新鲜出炉的面包你可以带走! 

蓝色的 & 黄金舰队

呼吸着咸咸的空气,乘着潮水,在高贵的海底航行 金门大桥, and feasting your eyes on the hills and city skyline are fun ways to spend an hour or more. 蓝色的 & 黄金提供风景游船,以及渡轮服务 马林县. 想了解更多关于恶魔岛的信息? 把他们的 逃离岩石 90-minute cruise and learn the history and stories of the iconic prison. 或者他们的60分钟 贝博体彩app湾游轮 gives you an up close and personal visit underneath the 金门大桥! 你可以买一个蓝色的 & Gold cruise as part of a CityPASS attraction pass to save on other attractions as well.


购买蓝 & 黄金船队船票



在海德街码头的尽头, 伸入贝博体彩app湾, 历史悠久的船只,如1895年的纵帆船C.A. 金缕梅, the 1890 steam ferryboat Eureka and the 1886 square-rigger Balclutha highlight a collection of vintage watercraft. An open-sided boat repair shop on the pier gives visitors a good look at repair and restoration work, 免费. The park visitor center is located on the landward side of Jefferson in a beautifully restored former cannery. Stop by and talk to the rangers to learn all the history of this location. 



比以往任何时候都更接近你最喜欢的明星和偶像! Step onto the court and shoot hoops with Steph Curry or jam on stage with 吉米·亨德里克斯 体验“贝博体彩app精神”.和碧昂斯一起摆个姿势,和阿黛尔一起在舞台中央闪耀, or get behind the camera with Steven Spielberg at the world-famous wax museum's outpost on the wharf.




让你的想象力在3D幻象博物馆里驰骋吧. Hang from a San Francisco skyscraper, become a professional surfer, and survive a lava eruption! The 40+ optical illusions make for great photo opportunities at every corner of the museum. 




这个博物馆收藏了近7件藏品,000件原创卡通艺术作品, 包括漫画书, 漫画小说, 动漫, 政治漫画, 在渔人码头的新店还有更多. Visitors of all ages can view original cartoon art at exhibitions and screenings, 在课堂和工作坊中制作自己的漫画和动画, 和专业的有抱负的漫画家混在一起.



贝博体彩app湾及其周围的游轮一直很受欢迎. 看风景和令人惊叹的天际线与红白, 哪家游轮提供16种语言的录音解说.

  • 从三个不同的巡航中选择, 金门湾游船, 2桥游, 以及加州暮光之城游轮. 







渔人码头附近有几十家餐厅可供选择, Cioppino 's是当地人和游客的最爱. This family-owned restaurant has been operating for over 100 years and is famous for its Cioppino – a sea食物 lover’s dream!

  • 最喜欢的菜:红辣椒虾 & 鱿鱼, Dungeness蟹饼, 蛤蜊浓汤, 海鲜超, Cioppino, 渔夫盘, 和提拉米苏.



San Francisco-inspired pub 食物 with an outdoor beer garden in 吉尔德利广场. Sample one, or two, of their small-batch beer while enjoying interactive games or live TV sports. Explore their delicious menu which is reflective of the diversity of Bay Area cuisine. 菜单的设计是为了配合他们的每一种啤酒, 在下次访问时询问配对建议. 

  • 最喜欢的菜: Cheddar Bacon Tots, SF Brew Co Cheddar Burger, Turkey Stout Chili, and Brewer's Pizza.


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good 食物 too!