10件免费的事情 in San Francisco For Families | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Families play at 的 Outpost in the Presidio

In San Francisco for Families

你和你的家人可以在贝博体彩app度过一段美好的时光,而不用倾家荡产. Here are ten ways to do it!

Worried about how the family can vacation together without breaking the piggy bank? 贝博体彩app有很多可以做的事情、可以去的地方和可以看的景点,这些都是免费的.


金门公园 这是户外运动爱好者的绿洲吗,017 acres of free-to-the-public meadows, 湖泊, 玫瑰花园, 一个植物园, 一个杜鹃花山谷, 音乐广场, 儿童游乐场, a buffalo paddock and the tallest artificial waterfall in the West. Nominal admission fees are charged at the 日本 Tea Garden, the Conservatory of Flowers, and the beautifully restored carousel in the Children’s Playground. 在每个月的第一个星期二,德扬博物馆免收门票. Four select Sundays are free for all comers at the California Academy of Sciences. 约翰F. Kennedy Drive is now car-free from 19th Avenue to Stanyan Street, 允许骑自行车和滑冰的人自带“车辆”或从附近的小贩那里租.

Aerial shot of 金门公园


San Francisco’s family-oriented museums are free at least one day each month and, 在很多情况下, always free for children 12 and under.

的 亚洲艺术博物馆 has created its special Target Sundays family programming. 每个月的第一个周日免费入场,主要是讲故事和瑜伽课程. 

的 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) offers free public access to nearly 45,000 square feet of ground-floor galleries, as well as free admission for visitors 18 and younger. SFMOMA offers educational experiences for the entire family, with the looming curves of Richard Serra’s Sequence sculpture (Floor 1, 中庭), the Alexander Calder Motion Lab (Floor 3), the largest living wall in the United States (Floor 3), and the Photography Interpretive Gallery (Floor 3). 博物馆商店提供了一个惊人的选择,从现代和当代艺术书籍的儿童友好项目, innovative design objects, and children's books to toys, 海报, 和文具, 和更多的.

Located in 金门公园, the California Academy of Sciences' “由内而外”的设计为施泰因哈特水族馆的水生生物支持系统提供了一个幕后的视角. Visitors can meet biologists who care for more than 5,000只动物, and — if they’re lucky — can even help them feed the fish. Admission is free on four select Sundays each year.

霍华德街莫斯康中心南的屋顶是轻松逃离的完美场所. 的re’s a playground, carousel, ice skating rink, and bowling alley. 的 western corner is anchored by the Children's Creativity Museum, 多媒体艺术和技术博物馆,在这里,家庭可以通过粘土动画等动手项目探索创造力, 视频制作, 和更多的. It’s free for tots two and under.

孩子的脸, 由多于2个组成的,000 photographs submitted from individuals around the world, beckons at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD), located at Third and Mission streets. Through the coupling of art, 文化与科技, MoAD is telling the story of the African Diaspora. History comes alive with “first person” narratives, storytelling and poetry events, and living history presentations. MoAD is free for children 12 and under.

的 探索, along the waterfront at Pier 15, is a playground for ideas. 的 探索 offers hundreds of interactive exhibits in the areas of science, art and human perception. Admission is free on five select days each year.

卡通艺术博物馆, located on 渔人码头, is always free for children five and younger. Let the little ones see where their favorite characters began, with a tremendous archive of comic strips, 漫画小说, 还有动画电影. Your aspiring artist can even make his or her own cartoon!

兰德尔博物馆在经过900万美元的翻新后于2018年2月重新开放,重点是让孩子们接触到科学的奇迹. It's free and not far from the breathtaking views atop Corona Heights Park.

的 one-of-a-kind San Francisco Cable Car Museum deserves special attention. In the historic Cable Car Barn & 强国, the site where the cable system has operated since 1907, 游客们可以看到真正的绕缆机械,它以每小时9.5英里的稳定速度卷绕11英里长的钢索. Antique cable cars are also on display, including one dating from 1873. 的 museum is always free and it only takes $8 to ride a cable car.

Just as the cable car is the United States’ only mobile national landmark, 位于渔人码头的贝博体彩app海事国家历史公园是其唯一的水上国家公园. 这里收藏了世界上最大的历史船只,包括1886年的方形索具船 Balclutha这是一艘1890年的渡船 尤里卡 蒸汽拖船 赫拉克勒斯. 登船票价为$10(15岁及以下儿童在成人陪同下免费), but strolling the pier is free. 预定的活动包括海上吟唱,观鸟,参观 尤里卡 engine room, and crabbin’ “how to's” off Municipal Pier. An enormous Fresnel lens, once used in the Farallon Island lighthouse, 标志着海德和杰斐逊街拐角处附近的游客中心的入口,位于1907年的哈斯利特仓库大楼. 咨询台有穿制服的护林员,或者你可以简单地穿过有趣的互动面板和显示器,了解更多关于贝博体彩app丰富多彩的海洋遗产.


贝博体彩app的要塞曾经是西海岸最重要的军事基地. 在200年的时间里,三面旗帜在基地上空飘扬:西班牙、墨西哥和美国.

普雷西迪奥1号,491英亩的黄金地段毗邻金门大桥和贝博体彩app湾,拥有全城最美的景色. And there’s so much more to experience, including a new museum in the Presidio Officer's Club; miles of hiking trails; bike routes; hidden picnic sites with lavish backdrops of the 金门大桥, Marin Headlands and the Pacific Ocean; eucalyptus and cypress groves; cannons dating from the late 1700s; abandoned barracks; and guided walking tours through historic military ruins, artillery batteries and the National Cemetery. 

Rangers with the National Park Service also provide free tours at Fort Point, a four-tiered brick and granite fortress built between 1853 and 1861, tucked under the south end of the 金门大桥. 的 reclaimed wetlands and grassy expanses of Crissy Field, located along the shoreline of San Francisco Bay, 提供野餐桌, 行走路径, 观看区域. Using the ocean as a classroom is the mission of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center, which guides groups through more than 1,金门附近的法拉隆群岛(Farallon Islands)周围200英里的开阔海域(许多“鲨鱼周”纪录片都在这里拍摄).

Don't forget to check out San Francisco's newest park, 的 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部 Park. Adding 14 new acres of park space to San Francisco, 隧道顶部是家庭伸展和享受贝博体彩app美景的好地方. Enjoy the numerous food trucks, 超大操场, and expansive grassy lawns for picnics or playtime. 



Across the 金门大桥 to the north, a series of military fortifications can be found at Fort Baker. Dating back to the 1870s, 砖砌的炮台卡瓦洛是濒临灭绝的使命蓝蝴蝶的保护区. Other gun batteries were built to replace the old brick-made fortifications, including Battery Spencer, constructed in the 1890s with concrete. Both can be explored without restrictions.

的 top of Battery Construction Number 129, located on Conzelman Road, is the best place for unobstructed 360-degree views of San Francisco Bay, 这个城市, and the 金门大桥. 它的隧道和墙壁, designed to house cannons measuring 16 inches in diameter, are just the right size for children to crawl through. 在霍克山, Wednesdays are “for the birds,” especially in the autumn when some 20,000 to 40,000年鹰, 猎鹰, 鹰, and other birds migrate south.

This is also a good time to head to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, 这是一个适合儿童和家庭的博物馆,坐落在金门大桥马林县一侧的历史建筑群中. Permanent exhibits include a life-sized shipwreck, a fishing boat that can be boarded, and a simulated tide pool.

贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园

的 贝博体彩app动物园 and 花园 is Northern California’s largest zoological park, with more than 225 species of animals in naturalistic settings. 儿童动物园给年轻人喂食和抚摸他们最喜欢的谷仓动物的快感, and if little legs are starting to weary, the Little Puffer Zoo Train ($5) makes regular circuits of the grounds. 的 zoo is free on the first Wednesday of every month for San Francisco residents.


Yerba Buena 花园 Festival

每年5月到10月,位于第四街和使命街的芳草地花园(的 Esplanade of Yerba Buena 花园)会举办100场精彩的活动. 歌剧, 表演艺术, international music concerts, 舞蹈表演, 儿童节目, 剧院, 视觉艺术, 木偶剧, 文化节庆, 特别活动, classical and jazz concerts—hardly a day passes without something scheduled. 这个文化的温床还包括每年七月的贝博体彩app戏剧节, puppetry and storytelling, and an annual Halloween costume parade.

City Guides Walking 旅游

当地人知道,探索贝博体彩app中心的最佳方式是在其独特的社区中漫步. 虽然自助徒步旅行很容易,但与专家一起漫步可能更有趣. San Francisco’s historical and architectural highlights, 高大的故事, and Gold Rush lore unfold along San Francisco City Guide's walking tours. 大多数徒步旅行需要一到两个小时,不需要预订,除非是8人以上的团体.

Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Even on vacation, kids sometimes just want to play. So why not take a play break in one of San Francisco’s playgrounds?

的 newest playgrounds in 这个城市 can be found at Francisco Park, on a sloping hill where Russian Hill meets the Marina, and 的 Outpost at the northern end of the new 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部.

其他社区游乐场包括伦巴第街和梅森街的北滩游乐场, Mountain Lake Park at Lake Street and Ninth Avenue, and 头山’s Huntington Park at California and Taylor Streets.


的 most famous residents of San Francisco aren't even human. 他们是 海狮 who have made their home at PIER 39 for more than 30 years. 的re's no charge to hang out along the pier, observing them as they bark and swim. 的re's also the free Sea Lion Center on the pier's upper level, where you can learn more about these boisterous creatures from interactive displays, 吸引人的视频, 友好的专家.

Sea Lions rest on PIER 39's K Dock


Besides the 海狮, there are plenty of free, family-friendly activities at PIER 39. 的re are always musicians, jugglers, and acrobats performing along the pier. 包括烟花表演和户外电影放映在内的季节性活动也对公众免费开放.



泰勒是老大. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 为巨人队加油. 


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