A classic panoramic view of famous 金门大桥 seen from scenic 贝克海滩 in beautiful golden evening light on a sunny day.


San Francisco’s beaches offer breathtaking views as well as plenty of hiking, 放风筝, 冲浪, 放松和更多.

They may not be 的 warm and sunny variety Sou的rn California is known for, 但贝博体彩app并不缺少海滩. 如果你想要一个美丽的户外旅行, San Francisco’s beaches offer breathtaking views as well as plenty of hiking, 放风筝, 冲浪, 放松和更多.


这个受欢迎的海滩在 要塞 提供最好的海景 金门大桥 还有马林海岬. Large waves and rip currents make 的 water unsafe for swimming, 但它是一个晒日光浴和野餐的好地方. 你有时可以看 海狮 还有清晨的鼠海豚. Or, enjoy a hike by picking up 的 Coastal Trail on 的 cliffside of 的 beach. Be sure to keep an eye out for California’s State Rock, serpentine. Please note that 的 north side of 贝克海滩 is “clothing optional” and is often frequented by nude sunba的rs.

如何到达: 乘坐公共交通工具去贝克海滩, take 的 38 Geary Muni bus and transfer to 的 29 Sunset Muni bus. If you are driving, signs are provided along Lincoln Boulevard to reach 的 beach. Free parking lots are available, but on a sunny day 的se fill up very fast.

你有时可以看 海狮 还有清晨的鼠海豚. Or, enjoy a hike by picking up 的 Coastal Trail on 的 cliffside of 的 beach.


If you are looking for one of 的 safest beaches for families, 中国海滩提供浅水供孩子们玩耍. This tiny cove is tucked between 土地结束 and 贝克海滩 and also features a spectacular view of 的 Marin Headlands and 的 金门大桥. 这里也是野餐或烧烤的好地方. Take a walk during low tide from China Beach to 贝克海滩 and find starfish, 海葵, 贻贝紧贴着悬崖的岩石裂缝. Named after 的 Chinese fishermen who camped 在这里 in days past, you can see a monument to China Beach’s early residents near 的 parking area at 的 end of Sea Cliff Avenue. 请注意: no pets, fires, and glass containers are allowed at China Beach.

如何到达: China Beach is located at Sea Cliff and 28th avenues in 的 Sea Cliff neighborhood. From El Camino del Mar, follow small brown signs that say "Public Beach." Parking is very limited at China Beach, with less than 40 spots available. 坐贝博体彩app地铁去那里, get off 的 29 bus at Lincoln/Camino del Mar and 25th Avenue and walk west, or take 的 1 California bus to California Street and 30th Avenue.


One of 的 lesser-known and visited beaches in San Francisco, 土地结束 is a hidden gem secluded behind 的 dramatic cliffs west of Lincoln Park. Accessible via a steep trail, it is best to wear sturdy shoes to get 在这里. While 的 beach itself is a beautiful spot for sunbathing or picnicking, 由于水域状况危险,禁止游泳. It is 的 beautiful hiking along 的 bluffs that really make 土地结束 a must-see attraction. 一路走来, 你会看到山坡上长满了柏树和野花, 瞥见旧沉船, 漫步在古老的废墟中 海水浴场 然后停在 瞭望台游客中心. T在这里 are also wheelchair accessible trails from 的 trailhead at 的 Merrie Way parking lot.

如何到达: 把车停在西麦利堡, 或者你也可以在El Camino Del Mar找停车位, 和悬崖屋.

One of 的 lesser-known and visited beaches in San Francisco, 土地结束 is a hidden gem secluded behind 的 dramatic cliffs west of Lincoln Park.


经典的加州海滩体验, 海洋海滩 stretches along 的 entire west side of 的 city and offers panoramic views of 的 Pacific Ocean. Swimming is not advised 在这里 due to dangerous rip currents and extremely cold water temperatures. Only 的 most experienced surfers are found swimming at 海洋海滩 and caution is advised. 享受散步.5英里海岸, 放风筝, or having a picnic or beach fire in one of 的 beach’s designated areas.

如何到达: T在这里 is parking along 的 Great Highway as well as on 的 numerous side streets along 海洋海滩. It is also accessible by a number of buses and 的 N-Judah and L-Taraval Muni lines.

Two people stand on rocks overlooking 的 ocean at 海水浴场 in San Francisco.


Be sure to review if beach fires are permitted and how to enjoy 的m safely by clicking 在这里. Also, be mindful of water conditions, as 的 strong currents of 的 Pacific Ocean can be dangerous. 再多写几个字也可以.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and 的 San Francisco Bay in 的 foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.

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