编码, a light art installation, at San Francisco International Airport
编码, a light art installation, at San Francisco International Airport

at San Francisco International Airport


你知道吗? San Francisco International Airport 是美国唯一一个拥有美国博物馆协会认证的博物馆项目的机场吗?

下次你去贝博体彩app的时候,计划一点额外的时间来放松一下,欣赏一下世界级的艺术展览; let your imagination take flight. You don’t have to be traveling to enjoy the art. 安检前有很多展品可供欣赏,使SFO成为一个雨天出游的好去处. Although it’s fun to take the free AirTrain from terminal to terminal, you'll see the most if you just stroll.

SFO Artwork is Open to the Public and Free of Charge

Although not a museum in the traditional sense, SFO’s permanent 公共艺术收藏 includes more than 100 paintings, 雕塑, 由当地艺术家以不同风格和媒介制作的马赛克和特定地点作品, national and international acclaim. In addition to six light artworks featured in 照亮科幻 艺术家内德·卡恩, 埃里克·“斯太尔, 阿孔尼, 詹姆斯•卡彭特, 基思•桑尼, 合并概念设计, SFO 展品 works by top Bay Area artistic talents like Wayne Thiebaud, 詹姆斯Torlakson, 罗伊·德·福里斯特, 哈塞尔·史密斯和李·穆里根. 所有这些都可以在贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆的收藏中找到, 以及国际艺术明星的作品,如阿纳尔多·波莫多罗和国岛清司. All works in the Civic Art Collection cited at SFO are provided by the 贝博体彩app艺术委员会, through the City’s percent-for-art program.

SFO’s permanent 公共艺术收藏 includes more than 100 paintings, 雕塑, mosaics and site-specific works...


Terra-Techne, 2019
Cast Stainless steel; terracotta

在SFO的哈维米尔克码头,六个悬浮的“构造板块”代表着不同的大陆,构成了这个巨大的艺术品. 排队安检的乘客将有一个不同的有利位置来欣赏艺术品,而不是那些在夹层的乘客. 该作品旨在表现技术创新和有机连接, symbolizing a source of growth and connectivity in the digital age.

精神/身体, 2019

这幅13英尺乘33英尺的马赛克瓷砖壁画捕捉了共享一张全球餐桌的独特个体. 精神/身体 探索人与人之间的联系,并邀请观众思考人们在航空旅行中的多样性,以及他们往返于每个目的地的旅程.

壁画由杰森Jagel在SFO in Terminal 1 Credit: Ethan Kahn Photography

TBD 2019
Architectural bronze 385 2" tubing
Location: Terminal 1, Boarding Area B

Melted and welded bronze tubing creates 安迪·沃格特's visual illusion, which appears to float off the wall in Boarding Area B.

Untitled by 安迪·沃格特 at San Francisco International Airport


TBD 2019

萨拉·凯恩的抽象设计被翻译成彩色彩色玻璃艺术品,覆盖了机场火车酒店站的墙壁. 它由棱镜和层叠的彩虹组成,当自然光穿过玻璃时,它们就会被照亮. 这个装置将为那些乘坐空中列车抵达凯悦酒店的人创造一种身临其境的体验.

萨拉·凯恩's Stained Galss Art at SFO

2 .长期停车场

Johanna Grawunder
编码, 2019
Light fixtures; glass, painted steel panels
Location: East facade of Parking Garage 2 and elevator cab interiors

编码 是在SFO的停车结构电梯塔中创造发光体验的装置. The mirrored square and rectangle windows, 建议点和划, spell out "San Francisco" in morse code. The color-changing elements are dynamic throughout the day and night, making for an impressive art installation.

编码, a light art installation, at San Francisco International Airport
You can see 编码 outside of long-term parking 


This Infinite Gateway of Time and Circumstance, 2019
Paper, UV ink, resin, bamboo, Spectra, acrylic and stainless steel

This immersive sculpture comprised of over 3,500个像风筝一样的椭圆在交织的天篷中漂浮在建筑的两层之间. It creates the impression of an everchanging landscape, as the viewer can perceive images of various graphics.

雅各桥本 at the 君悦酒店 at SFO

醚、 2019

Ether是日本艺术家那霸浩平表示在美国的第一个永久艺术品. 这个35英尺高的雕塑探索了重力的概念,并参考了飞机的运动. It visualizes a droplet of liquid falling from the sky to Earth, 从而在零重力的空间中形成一个潜在的无限柱.


那霸浩平表示's Ether can be seen outside of the SFO 君悦酒店
那霸浩平表示's Ether can be seen outside of the SFO 君悦酒店

Six Must-See Light Art Works Featured in 照亮科幻

Hours and availability depend on airport and airline operations. 持票的乘客可以在这些登机区域的安全检查站外看到艺术品. 查看 SFO艺术品在线收藏 and download the multi-page PDF with art map to learn more about the artworks, 还有制作它们的艺术家.

  1. 风门户 内德·卡恩 – 200,000 mirrored stainless steel disks responds to air currents, creating an ever-changing mosaic of light, 被风雕刻. 你会在BART站和AirTrain站之间找到它,靠近国际航站楼的自动扶梯.
  2. Four Sculptural Light Reflectors 詹姆斯·卡朋特 – Inspired by the construction of the Wright brothers’ first airplane, the suspended sculpture's design diffuses direct sunlight from the skylights, which reflects light up onto the opaque surface of the roof. Pre-Security in the International Terminal, Main Hall, Level 3.
  3. Light Beams for the 天空 of a Transfer Corridor 作者:阿孔尼 -来自天花板上的嵌入式照明的雕塑光束横贯走廊的长度. Pre-Security in International Terminal, A-G, Level 2.
  4. 天空 合并概念设计 – Each mirrored sphere's exterior reflects and distorts its surroundings, 由于光线和颜色的微妙变化,每个球体内部都会产生光学效果. Post-Security in Terminal 3, Boarding Area E, Level 2. (限制访问).
  5. Spirogyrate 埃里克·斯塔勒著 -沉浸式, 由图形螺旋图案和光线组成的互动装置回应人们在空间中的运动. Post-Security in Terminal 3, Boarding Area E, Level 2. (限制访问).
  6. 天花板上的洪水 基思·索尼尔 – Evenly spaced blue and red neon integrate with a line of neutral light, 在它的上方,一条战略性的霓虹灯线提供了一种微妙的“黄色光芒”,沿着天花板的长度向下延伸. Post-Security in International Terminal, Boarding Area G, Level 2. (限制访问).

Expanding the Definition of What a Museum Can Be

In addition to its public art collection, SFO hosts more than 20 galleries with art, 科学, historical and cultural themes, 包括一个专门的 航空博物馆及图书馆 以及旋转 展品, so you can come today and again in six months to see different works.

艺术家被浩瀚所吸引, diverse audience that the airport attracts; 50 million passengers pass through SFO annually.

Don’t Miss SFO’s Stunning “Glass Waterfall”

新的SFO交通控制塔于2015年5月完工,高度为221英尺,呈优雅的闪光状. 控制塔的西立面有一个led背光玻璃瀑布,在空中延伸147英尺, 白天反射阳光,晚上用室内照明发光, the colors of which can be changed to celebrate important events.

Located between Terminals 1 and 2, the tower can be seen from the freeway and upon driving into the airport. 要近距离观看它,请站在塔底的安全前公共走廊. 透过天窗玻璃屋顶向上看,可以欣赏到LED灯光瀑布. 由机场主建筑公司HNTB设计,达到LEED金牌地位, 与设计合作伙伴Fentress Architects和Hensel Phelps组成了设计建造团队.



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