旅游指南 在贝博体彩app观鲸 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
的re’s no better place to spot whales than off the coast of San Francisco. 信贷:@thelightofsound



如果你想看鲸鱼, there is no better place to spot them than in the ocean outside of San Francisco. 的 question isn't if you're going to see whales, but what types of whales you could see. Here's our guide to underst和ing whale-watching season 和 how to go out on a tour.


的re isn’t one specific season for whale watching in San Francisco because whales are known to frequent this area throughout the year. 然而, December to May mark the time of the year when you are bound to see the most types of whales. 的 only time you should truly avoid whale watching is from mid-November to mid-December. This marks the end of the migration season for some whales 和 the beginning of others, 所以你不会在贝博体彩app附近看到很多.


Depending on when you go, you will see different species of whales. 的 reason is the differing migration patterns of each kind of whale. Here are the types of whales you can see 和 their typical migration periods.

  • 座头鲸-五月至十一月
  • 灰鲸- 12月至5月
  • 抹香鲸:12月至5月
  • 逆戟鲸- 12月至5月
  • 蓝鲸-七月至十月


的re are a number of whale-watching tours 和 charters that can get you out onto the high seas for an up-close look at these massive 和 magnificent creatures.


Enjoy a scenic cruise of San Francisco’s beautiful coastline 和 the fantastic wildlife of the Bay Area with the 金门观鲸之旅. 每一次旅行都是一次独特的经历. Pack some grub, grab a camera, 和 enjoy the trip of a lifetime on the adventurous Pacific Ocean. 这个旅行持续2小时。.5小时,从39号码头出发.


海洋社会 is a non-profit ocean conservation organization based in San Francisco. 的ir mission is to conserve marine wildlife 和 habitats by deepening the connections between people 和 nature. From April to November, their whale-watching boats depart from San Francisco Yacht Harbor. Cruise under the 金门大桥 to the Farallon Isl和s, one of the most biodiverse marine environments in the world. 整个行程大约需要7小时.5个小时.


的re have been so many of our flippered friends visiting the waters beneath that 金门大桥 that the 天使岛渡轮公司 在行程中增加观鲸之旅吗. 这个2小时的野生动物之旅上午10:30从蒂布隆出发.m. 在指定的星期六.

优点 & 观鲸之旅的缺点

的re are lots of great things about whale-watching tours 和 a lot of things to consider. Here are just a few pros 和 cons to factor in when deciding to take a tour.


  • 这是观赏鲸鱼的最佳方式. 你不能再靠近这里了!
  • 非常实惠. 你可以看到鲸鱼  游览一下海湾.
  • 这对孩子们来说很好.


  • 晕船. If you easily get nauseous from choppy waters, you might want to stay on dry l和.
  • 你可能看不到鲸鱼. While there is a good chance you will, it's never guaranteed.


For the budget-conscious traveler or people who get seasick, here are a couple of locations from l和 where you can see whales without breaking the bank.


 博尼塔角灯塔, 建于1855年, was the third lighthouse built on the West Coast 和 helped shepherd ships through the treacherous Golden Gate strait. Today, the lighthouse is still active 和 is maintained by the U.S. 海岸警卫队. 探索博尼塔角的野生景观, geology 和 fascinating history by hiking the steep half-mile trail to the 博尼塔角灯塔.


贝博体彩app北部, you'll find a perfect location to watch gray whales during their migration from May to December. 的 headl和s of the Point Reyes Peninsula offer one of the finest spots to view gray whales along the California coast. 离岸是法拉隆湾, which provides a 32-kilometer (20-mile) wide "highway" along which the whales cruise.


Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. San Francisco has been his home for over a decade (that makes him a local, right?). 在周末, 你可以看到他手里拿着一杯精酿咖啡, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, 或者去城里最热门的新餐厅或酒吧.

的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


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