我如何看待贝博体彩app:Devin Henderson的“亲爱的贝博体彩app”|贝博体彩app旅行-贝博体彩

Devin Henderson of "Dear San Francisco"

One of the stars of "Dear San Francisco" was born and raised here. We asked Devin Henderson what he loves about the City by the Bay.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, and always ready with a recommendation for what to do, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

“亲爱的贝博体彩app,” 在高空飞行, awe-inspiring new show currently in residence at Club Fugazi, is a love letter to San Francisco. 在才华横溢的歌手中, 舞者, 杂技演员, 马戏团演员中有许多是贝博体彩app本地人. 我们采访了Devin Henderson, a cast member born and raised here, 关于节目, 这对他意味着什么, and what fun things he likes to do around the city. This is how Devin 看到s San Francisco.


How did you come to be part of "Dear San Francisco" at Club Fugazi?

我在诺伊谷长大. 我的哥哥姐姐们在波特雷罗山上马戏课,师从一位伟大的杂技大师. Before I could walk, I was already introduced to the circus. 除此之外, I was introduced to members of the famous Pickle Family Circus, 吉普赛·斯奈德和莎娜·卡罗尔.

我离开了,跟随我的梦想,在表演的同时环游世界. 我在马戏团工作了12年,参与了很多项目, most of which were with The 7 Fingers, Shana and Gypsy's company in Montreal.

当我听说他们要在贝博体彩app做一个关于贝博体彩app的节目时,我很激动. When I found out they wanted to have SF natives in the show, and one of the SF natives was going to be me, 我的心亮了.  

这个节目是关于贝博体彩app对各行各业的人的吸引力和影响. What is it about the city that keeps you coming back to it? 

For starters, it is where my family, friends, and community is. 我想我最喜欢贝博体彩app的一点是它总是在变化. It rolls with the punches and keeps its finger on the pulse. 虽然贝博体彩app总是有自己的理想,但它能够适应和改变. 这就像看到一个10年没见的童年好友——他们可能穿着不同,听不同的音乐, but they still make you laugh 'til it hurts.

你在贝博体彩app有渊源,富加齐俱乐部在这个城市已经有几十年的历史了. 在这样一个历史悠久的地方演出对你来说意味着什么?

Every time I step into the theater, there is a notion of pride. 知道“亲爱的贝博体彩app”之前贝博体彩app足以让任何人想要走进那栋大楼. 能够表演一个讲述这个神奇城市的历史及其所有章节的节目,在最上面增加了一层兴奋和情感. 更不用说剧院本身的翻新也很养眼. 我认为剧院就像一个老人,他的骨头和标记讲述了一个惊人的故事, 那个人得到了一颗新的彩色心脏,它在发光和跳动. 当我在观众的笑声、掌声和兴奋中表演时,我能感受到这些回响.


海洋啤酒屋有一个伟大的本地音乐家阵容,发挥大多数周五,周六和周日. 也, I have some friends who started BATCO (Bay Area Theater Company). I always love going and 看到ing what they come up with.  

Where else do you indulge your artistic side in San Francisco?

I like to ride my bike down Valencia Street and in and around the 任务的区 看看这些神奇的东西 壁画和街头艺术. 24街的树间总是挂满了纸皮卡多. 它是如此丰富多彩和可爱. Often there will be street musicians who are fun to listen to.

有时我骑自行车在高速公路下面,或者去拉拉扎公园看溜冰者. I wish I could skate like them; it truly is an art form.  如果这些还不够,有时我会去阿拉莫Drafthouse看一部新片.

What does a typical day in San Francisco look like for you?

Wake up, make some breakfast with Kalani in our 39th Ave. 公寓,开车去 海滩然后,跳进水里,回来,检查电子邮件,完成我可能有的电脑工作. I don't like being on the computer for too long during the day.

I might call up my family to 看到 what they are up to. Both of my older siblings have kids under 3, 所以我喜欢带他们四处走走,通过他们的眼睛看他们体验我在贝博体彩app喜欢的地方. 然后我可能会从城里众多很棒的三明治店之一买一个三明治:内日落中的黄色潜艇, 西传送门分中心, or Gene's in the Sunset (pastrami swiss, 中心奶酪牛排, 或者是土耳其鳄梨, 分别).

去剧院, and get ready for the show (warm up, 培训, 化妆, 服装, 和演员们瞎混). 演出结束后,我喜欢到城里去,买一些 鸡尾酒 and maybe even going out dancing at the bars in the Mission. I get home tired, shower, and sleep. 

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore?

I have been excited to explore 北海滩 since the beginning of this show. I didn't explore it as much as a kid for some reason. 很难相信在一个只有49平方英里的城市里生活了30年, there are still so many places I have yet to explore.  

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

中国新年游行. I remember going there with my family as a kid. I loved the lion dancing and the drums and lines of firecrackers. 如此多的能量. 有一年我们甚至还在贝博体彩app马戏艺术学院表演过.

Where and what would you choose for your last meal in San Francisco?

I am a pizza guy—always have been, always will be. And I always liked Escape from New York pizza. 它们的种类太多了.

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?


Where do you like to view sunrise and sunset? 你最喜欢的城市景观是什么?

在伯纳尔山顶看日出,也许手里拿着一杯针孔咖啡. 日落时分 海洋海滩, of course, with an IPA in hand.

我也喜欢比利山羊山. They used to have a rope swing that was pretty bad-ass. There is a somewhat secret spot to 看到 the 金门大桥 on the 17th tee at the Lincoln Park golf course. 也, 站在海德街的山顶上,俯视着陡峭的山坡,向海湾大桥挥手致意.


运行 从海湾到破浪. 抓住巨人或 勇士 游戏. 成为…的一部分 狂欢节. 和我高中的朋友坐在多洛雷斯公园喝几杯啤酒. 打排球 金门公园. 和我的兄弟沿着 内河码头.

Tell us about a time you felt most at home in San Francisco.

星期六和我的朋友一起跑到公园打篮球. 上诺伊是我该去的地方. 

Chinese New Year in San Francisco.

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

沿着Crosstown步道走. 或者只是其中的一部分. You really 看到 different parts of the city. 

What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

可能是内河码头. 它能提供的东西太多了.

Any final advice for visitors coming to San Francisco?

Enjoy it, and leave it better than you found it. 

徒步旅行者沿着Lands End小径的森林部分行走,背景是太平洋.
Stretch your legs and take in the view at Lands End Trail.

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