Family in Chinatown

A Visitor's Guide to
Celebrating Lunar New Year in San Francisco

This winter, 贝博体彩app将以锦标赛的形式迎接龙年, pageants, a parade, fireworks, and more. 

有一种强烈的观点认为,贝博体彩app最大的“新年”庆祝活动并不是在1月1日午夜钟声敲响的时候举行的. Here in our city, with its large, vibrant, and multi-generational Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean communities, the Lunar New Year is when we pull out all the stops.

虽然大多数庆祝活动将集中在唐人街和贝博体彩app市中心地区, there are activities scheduled throughout the city. But let's get started with the basics...

Year of the Dragon

在中国的十二生肖中,龙年象征着力量、活力和好运. 在这个星座出生的人是天生的领导者,具有勇气的品质, intelligence, and a charismatic presence. 他们为社会带来活力,促进创新和进步. 龙在中国文化中受到高度尊重和尊敬,通常与权力和权威联系在一起. 许多名人和有影响力的人物,比如约翰·列侬, hometown hero Bruce Lee, Martin Luther King, Jr., Adele, and Dr. 苏斯展示了龙年的特点. 

Hunt for Dragons

为了庆祝龙年,贝博体彩app市内隐藏了五座独特的龙雕像. Explore and find all five from January 28 to March 2.

  • Blue and White Porcelain Dragon - Union Square
    Powell St. & Geary St.
  • Gold Luck Dragon - Rose Pak Station
    943 Stockton St.
  • Heavenly Jade Dragon - Thrive City
    1725 3rd St.
  • Rainbow Dragon - Lucky Supermarket
    1515 Sloat Blvd.
  • Ping An Dragon - Stonestown Galleria
    3251 20th Ave.
Map of dragon sculptures for 2024 CNY

Dim Sum and Then Some

毫无疑问,我们所熟知的美国中餐起源于19世纪中期的贝博体彩app. 对中国菜的改编经历了无数次的转变,造就了西海岸一些最好的餐厅. 去China Live、Mister Jiu’s和Yank Sing这样的热门场所看看 best Chinese cuisine in the city.

洋兴是贝博体彩app最著名的点心店之一. Credit: @yanksing

Explore Chinatown and Union Square

Most Chinese New Year activities will be in Chinatown是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的博物馆. On Saturday, Feb. 24, the parade will start on Market Street, 蜿蜒穿过市中心和联合广场,一直延伸到唐人街的中心. 今年的“大元帅”是金球奖得主奥卡菲娜, 是谁主演了漫威的《贝博体彩》," filmed right here in San Francisco.

It will pay to get downtown early on parade day. While you're scouting out the best viewpoint, 去the Crossing (250 Main St .)看看农历新年庆祝活动吧.)这个家庭活动将于下午1时至4时举行.m.

Night Moves

没有夜间饮酒的新年庆祝活动是不完整的. 跟着我们的指南,你可以在唐人街或贝博体彩app其他街区找到喝一杯的好地方 the city after hours.

Walking Tours

Chinatown’s rich history is difficult to condense. Luckily, San Francisco City Guides, Wok Wiz Tours, “唐人街之旅”是了解这个历史悠久的社区的可靠方式. 一定要参观美国华人历史学会,以便更深入地了解这个社区, too.

Chinatown Walking Tour

Ladies looking down Grant Street in Chinatown

Here Be Dragons (And Lions)


一年一度的中国新年游行的吉祥物龙有200多英尺长,由武术团体白鹤的100多名男女组成的团队沿着游行路线推进. While there are some smaller versions, 毫无疑问,在烟花爆竹的轰鸣声中,这个庞然大物使游行达到了高潮.

Lions, on the other hand, usually only require two performers, one to handle the head and another for the tail. In most cases, the tail extends about 12 feet!

What’s All the Noise About?

鞭炮声、鼓声、锣声、铙钹声驱除邪灵. 在整个中国新年庆祝活动中,尤其是在游行之夜,庆祝活动之前都会有爆竹声. Bring earplugs.

Tyler Cohn headshot
Tyler Cohn

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants. 

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