A crowd enjoys food 和 drink along San Francisco's Valencia Street
图片来自@eddieh__ 信贷:@eddieh__

Walk 和 酒 Taste Your Way Through San Francisco

一年一度的葡萄酒之旅汇总,结合了贝博体彩app的一些最伟大的属性:美丽的风景, 欢迎社区, 还有美味的葡萄酒.

贝博体彩app的步行指数为89,是美国第二大最适合步行的大城市.S. Combine that with its proximity to the vineyards of Sonoma 和 Napa, 这也就不足为奇了,这个城市的许多社区每年都会举办一两次葡萄酒漫步活动.

通常被定位为社区协会和当地非营利组织的筹款人, 葡萄酒漫步季从2月开始,在这座城市著名的联合街(Union Street)举行,12月在同样迷人的菲尔莫尔街(菲尔莫 Street)结束. 

Many of the walks are from 4 to 8 p.m.; times may vary, however. Tasting event fees range from $25 to $30 per person. 您最好在接近您的访问时确认这些事件的细节.

For public transit information, visit www.511.org或者考虑在附近的葡萄酒散步后叫一辆Lyft或优步(Uber).  



Union Street Valentine 酒 Walk 

Union Street, from Gough to Steiner streets

这个情人节的传统让情侣们来到贝博体彩app著名的联合街. 探索迷人的维多利亚风格和色彩缤纷的庭院,里面有200多家商店和餐馆. 许多联合街的餐馆提供国际和加州美食. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图. The ticket price includes wine samples at all of the sampling locations. 


Polk Street Spring 酒 Walk  

Polk Street, from Sutter to Filbert Streets

Polk Street parallels Van Ness Avenue 和 extends all the way to 渔人码头. 这条葡萄酒之旅将带您前往贝博体彩app最古老的购物区之一的中心. At the turn of the century, it was one of the city’s most exclusive shopping areas, favorited by residents of nearby 头山太平洋高地. Participants will receive a wine glass 和 map at all tasting locations.

菲尔莫 Street Spring 酒 Walk 

菲尔莫 Street, from Jackson to Eddy Streets

沿着菲尔莫街 太平洋高地这里有许多温馨的咖啡馆和餐馆,以及集中的高档商店. 当菲尔莫尔街向艾迪街倾斜时,步行者进入了贝博体彩app的历史街区 结合, one of only three remaining in the U.S., 和 the area once known as the “Harlem of the West,这里有许多爵士俱乐部和历史悠久的菲尔莫尔礼堂. Merchants offer wine samples inside their stores. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图. 


北海滩 Spring 酒 Walk 


San Francisco’s upper Grant Avenue in the heart of 北海滩哥伦布大道(Columbus Avenue)沿线的小意大利社区弥漫着意大利广场的气息, 巴列霍街和格林街. Participants receive a wine glass 和 map with all tasting locations. 品酒之后,一定要去当地的小吃店享受美食.  


Art 和 酒 Walk at the Wharf 

The Cannery Courtyard, 650 Beach St. 

选择艺术画廊, 博物馆和其他企业为艺术和葡萄酒爱好者敞开大门,参加这个在市中心举行的活动 渔人码头. 搭配经典和当代艺术作品与加州葡萄酒,以满足您的味觉. Starting with The Cannery Courtyard at the Academy of Art University, gallery-hop, 与当地艺术家会面, 和 help toast the artists showing at 渔人码头. Attendees will receive wine tastings 和 a commemorative wine glass.  


Polk Street Summer 酒 Walk  

Polk Street, from Union to Post Streets

沿着波尔克街漫步,在当地商人的商店里品尝葡萄酒. 购物 along the street where 头山 meets Russian Hill is eclectic 和 there’s always a new spot to explore, from a tempting c和y store to vintage wares. Participants will receive a wine glass 和 map of all tasting locations.


北海滩 Fall 酒 Walk 


闭上眼睛,你可能会偶尔听到“mangia”或“delicioso”的声音,而不是路边咖啡馆和另类小酒馆里和蔼可亲的谈话声. This is the heart of San Francisco’s Little Italy, 菜单上有大量的有嚼劲的意大利面和丰盛的chioppino. 贝博体彩app的意大利移民用西红柿和各种鱼类和贝类制作了这道美味的炖鱼. Participants receive a wine glass 和 map with all tasting locations. 

内河码头中心 酒 Walk  


Located just a few blocks north of the foot of Market Street, Embarcadero中心拥有全国知名的零售商店和餐厅,遍布其五栋建筑的校园, which includes office towers 和 the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. 品酒活动不仅包括在整个Embarcadero中心的商店内的葡萄酒样品, but also it’s the perfect opportunity to shop, 吃饭攒钱. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图.  

菲尔莫 Street Fall 酒 Walk 

菲尔莫 Street, from Jackson to Eddy streets

想象一下,在贝博体彩app和菲尔莫尔街漫步的理想社区. 抓住即将到来的潮流的第一个迹象,或者拿起一个刚出炉的牛角面包. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图.  

Valencia Street 酒 Walk 

Valencia Street, from 14th to 26th streets

Chic 和 edgy doesn’t begin to describe the vibe along Valencia Street. 手里拿着酒杯和所有参与地点的地图,你就可以享受一场盛宴了. While snacks may be available at some locations, 千万不要错过在当地的餐馆吃饭的机会 任务的区.

Polk Street Fall 酒 Walk 

Polk Street, from Union to Post streets

以前美国大学命名.S. 詹姆斯·波尔克总统,这条走廊上挤满了购物、餐馆等场所. 发现从古董珍品到不拘一格的小摆设和礼物的一切. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图.  


Union Street Harvest 酒 Walk 

Union Street, from Gough to Steiner streets

联合大街两旁是世纪之交的维多利亚式建筑,已被改造成精品店和餐馆. Merchants in the neighborhood, once called Cow Hollow because of the dairy farms in the area, will offer wine samples inside their stores. Participants will receive a wine glass 和 map.  


北海滩 Holiday 酒 Walk 


旧世界的意大利和海滨的波西米亚风格在这个充满活力的街区相遇. The city’s vibrant 意大利-American community has populated 北海滩 with excellent restaurants 和 cafes. Participants receive a wine glass 和 map with all tasting locations 

菲尔莫 Holiday 酒 Walk 

菲尔莫 Street, from Jackson to Eddy streets

The holidays are always special in San Francisco, 这是探索这座城市独特的小企业的最佳时机, whether that be a leather goods store or an award-winning bakery. 参与者将获得一个酒杯和所有品酒地点的地图.  



Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years 和 has worked in Travel & Tourism for over 7 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 


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