
Where to Find the
Best Tacos in San Francisco

From the traditional to the unexpected, 贝博体彩app的玉米饼种类繁多,几乎在每个街区都能找到. Which is your favorite?

San Francisco is known for a number of signature dishes对于在哪里可以找到最好的,当地人有自己强烈的意见. Among those famous foods: tacos! Like the best burritos in San Francisco (the taco's close cousin), we've done the demanding, 我们为大家推荐了贝博体彩app最棒的墨西哥卷饼. Which one is your favorite?

Al Pastor Papi (Various Locations)

还有什么能比从卡车上找到你吃过的最好吃的玉米饼更有贝博体彩app风情的呢? Miguel Escobedo 几年前开始为他令人难以置信的创作服务,他的受欢迎程度从未停止增长. Inspired by the food of Miguel's native Mexico City, 艾尔帕斯特帕皮玉米饼是任何旅行美食家的荣誉徽章.

Cielito Lindo (3440 Balboa St.)

In the Richmond, no one does tacos like Cielito Lindo. 所有你喜欢的传统菜肴在这里都能快速、微笑地上桌. Cielito Lindo也以其quesabirria tacos而闻名:一种烤制的五香玉米饼,上面撒上肉酱, melted cheese, diced onion, and cilantro. 这是一个伟大的地方停留在你的路上或从苏特罗浴场的景点.

Cholita Linda (1 Ferry Building)

虽然在渡轮大厦有很多好吃的东西, do not overlook the tacos from Cholita Linda. 脆脆的巴哈式鱼肉玉米卷,上面撒着卷心菜沙拉和奶油,是最突出的. Devour one while looking out at the bay; that's the way to go.

Don Pistos (510 Union St.)

North Beach may be best known for its Italian food, 但仔细看,你会在所有的披萨和意大利面中找到一些很棒的玉米饼. Don Pistos's street tacos are deliciously authentic, and their squash tacos—served with avocado salsa, onions, 香菜可能是我们品尝过的最喜欢的素食. 

Garaje (475 Third St.)

Not far from Oracle Park is Garaje, 它在贝博体彩app快速发展的现代天际线的包围下创造了一种近乎复古的汽车氛围. Try their beer-battered tilapia tacos. The chipotle mayo goes perfectly with them.

La Taqueria (2889 Mission St.)

想要一个直截了当的,没有装饰的,完全填饱的墨西哥卷饼体验,请访问La Taqueria the Mission. If you're feeling bold, order your tacos super. 这意味着他们会搭配豆子,pico de gallo,三种奶酪,酸奶油和鳄梨. Good look keeping all that inside the tortilla!

Hook Fish Co. (4542 Irving St.)

如果你想在贝博体彩app吃到最美味的鱼肉玉米饼,那就去海边吧. At Hook Fish Co., just blocks from Ocean Beach, you'll find incredibly fresh fish tacos, served grilled or poke style. 他们的腌沙拉和辣蒜泥蛋黄酱给他们的玉米饼带来了意想不到的刺激.

Mosto (741 Valencia St.)

Right in the middle of the Mission's most happening stretch is Mosto这家酒吧以拥有300多种龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔酒而闻名. 他们也供应美味的牛肉卷和熏牛肉卷. 周二下午5点到7点之间一定要去墨西哥卷饼店.m. to enjoy their $1 taco specials.

Tacko (3115 Fillmore St.)

不要被拼写或楠塔基特主题的装饰弄糊涂了. Cow Hollow's Tacko has some of the best tacos you'll find in the city. 他们的航海特性很适合他们美味的烤鱼和海湾虾玉米饼, filled with cilantro, cabbage, red onions, pico de gallo and tomato salsa.

Tacolicious (Various Locations)

Whether you visit their Marina or Mission locations, you won't be disappointed by Tacolicious. 提供传统的玉米饼填满牛肉或墨西哥肉馅, as well as tasty vegan and gluten-free options, Tacolicious的厨房作品非常适合与朋友分享. You can purchase 4 tacos for $25 or 10 for $58. Tacolicious有桶装鸡尾酒,是一群人聚会的好地方. 

Tacorea (Various Locations)

韩国和墨西哥的融合是墨西哥卷饼天堂的结合,你可以在 Tacorea in Nob Hill or in their newest Chinatown location. 如果你想吃韩国风味,可以点Mama Lee的麻辣猪肉或烤肉.

Tacos El Patron (1500 S. Van Ness Ave.)

在Mission的南部边缘是贝博体彩app最新的墨西哥卷饼热点之一. The food at Tacos El Patron 是用爱、家庭食谱和传统作为灵感来烹饪的吗. Where else would you find tacos birria, 用牛肉炖肉做成的招牌墨西哥卷饼,配上肉汤?

Underdogs Tres (1224 9th Ave.)

Just a short walk from a number of Golden Gate Park's major attractions is Underdogs Tres这家小餐馆是社区的最爱,菜单上有各种各样的玉米饼. 我们建议你点“尼克式”的墨西哥卷饼:将脆脆的烤玉米饼包裹在柔软的玉米玉米饼中, 然后填上你选择的肉和蒙特利杰克奶酪, pinto beans, pico de gallo, and guacamole.


Dan Rosenbaum Headshot
Dan Rosenbaum

Dan是贝博体彩app旅游公司的全球营销副总裁. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). On the weekends, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, a playlist of good vibes, a growing list of books to read, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.

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