美食家的乐趣:品尝菜单展示贝博体彩app厨师的激情和艺术性 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
GOZU kitchen



(San Francisco) April 4, 2023年,越来越多的旅行者将围绕餐饮来计划他们的旅行, 根据美国运通旅游公司的数据 2023年全球旅游趋势报告,将“美味目的地”列为四大趋势之一. According to the report, 81% of the respondents said trying local food and cuisine is what they most look forward to during their travels. 以食物为导向的旅行在年轻旅行者中越来越受欢迎, with 47% of Gen-Z and Millennials saying they have planned an entire trip around visiting a specific restaurant compared to 37% of all survey respondents.

喜欢美食的旅行者可能会想看看贝博体彩app,加州首屈一指的美食之都. 这座城市拥有该州最多的米其林星级餐厅, and San Francisco chefs continue to craft a diverse array of tantalizing tasting menus that showcase their culinary artistry and passion. From newly starred restaurants born during the pandemic like Nisei and Osito to legendary three Michelin-starred dining destinations like Atelier Crenn and Benu, 贝博体彩app各式各样的美食之旅是无与伦比的,值得你多次光顾.

On the Tasting Menu
Chef David Yoshimura’s Nisei began as a Bay Area pop-up restaurant in 2019 before he debuted his brick-and-mortar location in August 2021. 证明了他是日裔美国人的传统, Nisei的品尝菜单(每人239美元)以加州为基础 Washoku cuisine, Washoku 意思是“食物的和谐”,也被称为日本的“家常菜”. The philosophy of Washoku 注重强调颜色、味道、准备、感觉和尊重食物的平衡原则. 他的做法在2022年12月获得了米其林一星. He was also named Michelin Guide of California’s 2022 Young Chef of the Year and nominated for a James Beard Award for Emerging Chef. 他兼而有之的经历包括在加利福尼亚和wd~50餐厅烹饪,以及在国外的神乐坂石川餐厅烹饪, Nihonryori Ryugin, and Asador Etxebarri. (Location: 2316 Polk St. | Russian Hill)

A year after opening, Osito 它于2022年12月获得了米其林第一颗星. The high-energy communal experience from Owner/Executive Chef Seth Stowaway features a tasting menu ($250 per person) that changes every four to six weeks based around one culinary focus. 每样东西都是在火上烤熟的, and ingredients are sourced thoughtfully and meticulously from local purveyors and farmers in Northern California. 每天晚上,客人都欢迎一个专业的鸡尾酒或独特的葡萄酒团队选择. 晚会以农民的新鲜农产品开始, pickled, 还有直接从农场运来的发酵蔬菜,或是上一年在Osito的食品储藏室里保存的. Organic, 再生养殖的蛋白质与bonchon和其他设备一起呈现和服务. 甜点和奶酪配咖啡, tea, brandy, 杜松子酒结束了这顿饭, 客人们会带着自制的糖果回家. (Location: 2875 18th St. | Mission District)

Korean restaurant Ssal 也在2022年获得了米其林第一颗星. Co-owners and life partners Hyunyoung Bae and Junsoo Bae’s modern Korean restaurant serves a single tasting menu nightly ($210 per person) that changes constantly and spontaneously but is always highlighted by raw and softly-cooked seafood, charcoal grilling, 以及太平洋西北部的季节性景点. Chef Junsoo combines his Korean upbringing and sensibilities with his experience cooking in the French tradition of degustation, 融入韩国美学, flavors, 和技术融入现代烹饪. (Location: 2226 Polk St.| Russian Hill)

Noodle in a Haystack 作为拉面快闪店的第一家餐厅,于2021年开业. Owners and chefs Clint and Toko Tan offer a hyper-intimate Japanese tasting menu at their 10-seat counter space that culminates in a main ra男士套餐(6到8道菜的套餐每人130美元,扩展套餐每人180美元). 这些自学成才的厨师致力于制作“毫不妥协”的现代拉面.2017年,他们进入了在大阪举行的日本世界拉面大奖赛的决赛. 克林特来自贝博体彩app,他的妻子洋子来自东京,他们是在东京相遇的. (Location: 4601 Geary Blvd.| Inner Richmond)

GOZU focuses on the craft of robatayaki这是一种日式明火烹饪. The restaurant, 2019年11月开业的, 提供kappo风格的品尝菜单,突出和牛在新的和平易近人的准备, 改变全牛使用的视角,特别是在和牛品种中. 目前,酒店为客人提供两份夜间菜单, 一份炉边品尝菜单(225美元)和一份四道菜的Gozu-Chan品尝菜单(125美元)。. Dishes are executed by the chefs around an open fire hearth where wagyu is complemented with local as well as Japanese sea life, farm produce and wild foods. 动物的每一部分都被精心利用. Lesser-known cuts are highlighted in their skewer offerings; bones and trim are used in various seasonings and preservation techniques, 包括制作他们的garum, beef salts (shichimi mix) or in their wagyu shoyu; and tallow is creatively incorporated into desserts. 这些牛肉由齐默尔曼和他的团队从日本的小型私人农场采购. Wine, sake, 还有威士忌搭配, As是一个无酒精茶配对计划,精选的茶与 heighten flavors. (Location: 201 Spear St. | SOMA)

作为2023年詹姆斯比尔德奖“最佳新餐厅”的半决赛选手, Birch & Rye 通过当代加利福尼亚的镜头重新想象俄罗斯菜, 借鉴两种饮食文化中共同的觅食和发酵传统. 掌舵人是俄罗斯出生的移民,他在贝博体彩app住了几十年, Chef Anya El-Wattar, 这家餐厅提供五道菜的厨师菜单和五道菜的素食菜单(每人125美元)。, an a la carte menu, and caviar service. 一个杰出的饮料计划的特点是手工制作的注入伏特加和策划的葡萄酒计划. (Location: 1320 Castro St. | Castro District)

Merchant Roots transitioned from a café and artisanal market to a full-fledged intimate fine dining destination in 2020. With just eight seats, Merchant Roots 是一种高度沉浸式的、独特的用餐体验吗. The restaurant’s tasting menu—premised on a specific and often eccentric theme—changes four times a year, as does the décor, plateware, and accessories to match. The heart of the space is a unique monkeypod wood slab table that transforms at night into a stage to feature the team’s dedication to culinary wonders. 由主厨Ryan Shelton领导, 一个由五人组成的天才团队合作烹饪, select wine pairings, and serve guests. 《贝博体彩》当前的菜单主题是The Great Trees, 一封写给树木在不同进化阶段的自然美的情书. 这顿饭(每人168美元)既让人头脑清醒,又很美味, 配上雪松烟雾等戏剧效果, redwood distillate fog, 桌上还撒了些松花粉. 之前的主题包括美人鱼的盛宴,商人的根源 & 《贝博体彩》、《贝博体彩》、《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩app》. (地点:1365 Fillmore St .. | Fillmore District)

In September 2021, Lord Stanley, 米其林星级的现代欧洲餐厅, pivoted to Turntable, a hub for rotating chefs. Every month a new chef comes in to showcase their cuisine and specialties with three- and four-course prix fixe menus. This year, Turntable at Lord Stanley has a robust lineup. 厨师包括澳大利亚IGNI顶级厨师Aaron Turner; José Olmedo Carles Rojas of Fonda Lo Que Hay; Argentinian Chef Javier Rodriguez of El Papagayo; and Nick Balla, 他曾是贝博体彩appTartine酒吧的主厨和老板. 2023年的厨师名单可以在 http://www.turntablechefs.com. (Location: 2065 Polk St. | Russian Hill)

自2010年开业以来,韩裔美国厨师Corey Lee 's Benu 已经成为贝博体彩app的旅游胜地了吗. 被公认为一流餐厅, 2014年,Benu是该市第一家获得米其林三星的餐厅. The contemporary Asian tasting menu ($375 per person) features a wide variety of seafood and vegetables, meat courses, and sweets. (Location: 22 Hawthorne St. | SOMA)

屡获殊荣的大厨多米尼克·克伦推出了一款重新设计的 Atelier Crenn in February. The reborn Atelier Crenn focuses on California—the place the French-born chef now considers home—and celebrates the state’s rich bounty, highlighting plants, fish, 还有当地的海鲜. 完全翻新的餐厅提供全新的鱼素品尝菜单(每人475美元)。. 客人还可以在新菜单上看到格林自己的蓝美人农场的当地农产品. (地点:3127 Fillmore St .. | Pacific Heights)

2022年詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)加州最佳厨师奖得主布兰登·朱(Brandon Jew)最新消息 Mister Jiu’s, 他的米其林一星级当代美籍华人餐厅. Reopened in March, 久先生现在推出了一份品尝菜单(每人125美元)。, 放弃以前的单点菜单. 五道菜的菜单探索美味的中国菜随着旺季, local ingredients. (Location: 28 Waverly Place | Chinatown)

由大厨Jongmoon Choi于2022年12月开业, SuraGan serves a 12-course chef’s tasting menu ($135 per person) that features dishes inspired by ancient texts from the 1400s 在朝鲜的朝鲜王朝. Choi learned about Korean royal cuisine at Kyung Hee University in Seoul before attending the Culinary Institute of America in New York. 在创业之前,他最近在贝博体彩app的Marlena餐厅担任副主厨. SuraGan’s menu shifts every three months to cover different historical cooking texts through the 1700s. International wines, 特产韩国茶和茶, 来自韩国的精酿酒精饮料与美食相得益彰. (Location: 250 Hyde St.| Tenderloin)  

彼得·海姆斯利主厨餐厅于3月下旬开业 Aphotic, 源自希腊语“没有光”,指的是接收不到1%阳光的海洋层. The restaurant’s 10-course tasting menu ($230 per person) focuses on seasonality and traceable seafood sourced from mostly local fishermen and women. Aphotic的15个座位的酒吧提供了一个精简菜单和一个“八道菜的鸡尾酒品尝,” comprised of unique house-distilled spirits based on the wild flora of the Bay Area and surrounding coast. (Location: 816 Folsom St. | SOMA)

Cassava kept its affordable $48 three-course prix fixe menu featuring California cuisine when it moved to a colorful new space in North Beach last fall. Married co-owers Yuka Ioroi and chef Kris Toliao were semifinalists in the 2023 James Beach Awards nominations for outstanding restaurateur. Trained classically French, Toliao从Dominique Crenn那里学到了现代烹饪技术, 灵感来自于Sumant Pardal的创意香料使用, 并从朱利安·贝克那里爱上了意大利面制作和意大利烹饪. (地点:401 Columbus Ave .. | North Beach)

Also opened in January, Anomaly SF “后现代餐厅”是白手起家的吗.“以前开过一家高档餐厅, 主厨迈克·兰哈姆(Mike Lanham)现在在固定地点提供11道菜的品尝菜单(每人121美元). The dining experience, 叫做“第一次回家”,以一种不熟悉的方式提供现代美国美食(例如, 甘薯(奶油br l - ). (Location: 2600 Sutter St. | Laurel Heights)

大卫·费雪和瑟琳娜·周·费雪夫妇重新开了他们的超季节性餐厅, Marlena, in September 2022. The restaurant, 它在2021年获得了米其林第一颗星, 特色是每人75美元的四道菜套餐. (Location: 300 Precita Ave. | Bernal Heights)

Chef-Owner Ray Lee opened Akikos Avery Lane in January. 46个座位的餐厅以24个座位的厨师舞台为中心, 让客人可以360度欣赏李, 寿司总厨林信介, and the team of chefs. Akikos的九道菜的品尝菜单(每人250美元)以它的omakase体验为中心, 强调可持续来源, single-line caught fish from Tokyo’s acclaimed Toyosu Fish Market and whimsical approaches to Japanese cuisine reimagined with local, seasonal ingredients. 该团队在室内对鱼进行干燥老化,以便在最佳时间食用, 在休息两到四天或两到三周之后. 午餐时提供精简版的omakase菜单(每人150美元)。. (地点:Avery Lane at 430 Folsom St .. | Downtown/East Cut)

在厨师兼老板蒂格·莫里亚蒂于1月份将控制权交给行政总厨哈里森·切尼之后, 有16个座位的米其林星级餐厅 Sons & Daughters 推出了以北欧风味为灵感的14道菜的品尝菜单(每人225美元). 以经典工艺和北加州的季节性为基础, 切尼的新菜单反映了餐厅的精神和他的烹饪背景. 这位出生于伦敦的厨师曾在The Square、Ledbury和Quince餐厅工作. 在搬到贝博体彩app之前,切尼是斯德哥尔摩Gastrologik的厨师长. 他的实践以可持续发展和展示当地生产者为中心. (Location: 708 Bush St. | Union Square)

AFICI 将于4月推出全套试吃菜单(185美元)和素食试吃菜单(165美元), 给客人另一种体验餐厅的方式. 客人还可以享受葡萄酒总监尼古拉斯基根的葡萄酒配对, 精心策划,搭配10道菜的菜单. A French Laundry alum, Nicholas offers extensive knowledge and experience in crafting a perfect pairing and introducing guests to unique and surprising varieties. 主厨Eric Upper于2022年9月构想并开业, AFICI特色当代美国美食在一个优雅的, fine dining environment. AFICI展示了意大利和法国的风味和技术,同时突出了当地的特色, 季节性食材和来自世界各地的一些最好的产品. A New York City native, Upper带来了丰富的餐饮经验, 包括在亚历山大牛排馆的工作, Morimoto, Aureole and Joël Robuchon. He was inspired to open AFICI after running The Patio pop-up by Alexander’s Steakhouse during the pandemic. (Location: 680 Folsom St. | SOMA)



The San Francisco Travel Association is the official destination marketing organization for the City and County of San Francisco. 这座城市是美国最热门的旅游和会议目的地之一.S. and received 21.9 million visitors in 2022. 2022年的旅游总支出将超过7美元.7 billion. The tourism industry is the largest generator of outside revenue into San Francisco’s economy and supports over 53,000 jobs.

有关贝博体彩app的预订、活动和更多信息,请访问 alepscor.ycdwkj666.com

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