Dreamforce Park at the Moscone Center
会议又回到莫斯康中心. Credit: Salesforce


贝博体彩app旅游协会(San Francisco Travel Association)报告称,2021年下半年将成功重启现场会议,大型会议也将回归.

贝博体彩app在9月份迎来了莫斯康中心的三个会议, 这是自2020年3月关闭活动以来,首次在该市主要的会议和展览设施举行会议.

The city embraced the resumption of citywide conventions, 志愿者们走上街头,以真正的贝博体彩app风格欢迎与会者.

San Francisco Mayor London N. 布里德欢迎第一批在莫斯康中心举办活动的人,为加州牙科协会的“CDA展示牙科艺术和科学”展览大厅举行了剪彩仪式.” The event took place Sept. 9 to 11 and hosted 3,000 attendees and 600 exhibitors. 

Dreamforce 2021 kicked off on Sept. 21. 其标志性的“梦幻公园”改变了霍华德街的一个街区, between Moscone North and South, 为期三天的会议将在莫斯康中心举行,届时将有喷火战机乐队(Foo Fighters)的表演和鼓舞人心的杰出演讲者, including Will Smith, Jane Fonda, 尼斯·奈兰特·冷格特和Salesforce董事长兼首席执行官马克·贝尼奥夫. 

美国手部外科学会(ASSH)——第一个于2021年在莫斯科尼中心确认的团体——于9月11日举行了第76届年会. 30 to Oct. 2 with over 1,200 surgeons in attendance.


San Francisco has led the U.S. 通过有效的安全规程预防COVID-19的传播, 超过80%的符合条件的居民已经完全接种了疫苗. 为了确保这座城市是最安全的见面地点之一, attendees of indoor meetings of 1,000人或更多的人需要出示疫苗接种证明并遵循掩蔽指南. 

贝博体彩app市和莫斯科尼中心有合理和强有力的安全措施, which are designed to protect visitors, convention attendees, residents, and staff,” said Mark C. Anderson, the CEO of ASSH. “我觉得在莫斯康召开医学会议是完全安全的. From a post-meeting survey, 我知道97%的与会者都觉得来贝博体彩app在莫斯康中心开会很安全. In addition, 餐馆和其他公共场所采取的安全措施证实了我在贝博体彩app的舒适感. I can’t wait to come back.” 

Debbie Brewer, Salesforce vice president of strategic events, said, “贝博体彩app充满活力的精神非常适合我们喜欢在活动中创造的那种魔力, and this year was no different. Events are a team effort, 我们非常感谢合作伙伴和无限的创造力,这才造就了一支真正安全而非凡的梦想力量.”

Moscone中心将在12月11日举行的SEMICON West 2021上结束这一年. 7 to 9, and the Cannabis Business Summit & Expo, which will be held from Dec. 15 to 17. 

贝博体彩app致力于成为最安全的约会目的地. The successful collaboration between our customers, the City, Moscone中心和顺丰旅游确保与会者获得最佳体验的努力令人难以置信,” said Nicole Rogers, 贝博体彩app旅游协会执行副总裁兼首席销售官. “我们从会议组织者和与会者那里得到了非常积极的反馈,我们期待着明年的一系列活动.”

2022 Outlook

贝博体彩app旅游协会已经预定了2022年在莫斯康中心举办的30多场活动. 此外,其他大型会议和活动也计划在该市举行. The event schedule will kick off with J.P. Morgan 2022. The annual healthcare conference will take place Jan. 10 to 13 at The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square.

In June, 莫斯康中心将举办国际会议策划公司的年度世界会议, 会议和活动策划专业人士的首要行业聚会. Moscone Center previously hosted WEC in 2015, 2022年庆祝MPI成立50周年的聚会将展示会议中心扩大到约2个设施,000 attendees. 

In January 2019, the Moscone Center 庆祝耗资5.51亿美元的扩建项目竣工,新增15.7万平方英尺. ft. of space to create 504,914 sq. ft. of contiguous space, including a new 49,776 sq. ft. column-free ballroom. In addition, there are 25,000 sq. ft. 安全的户外露台,享有芳草地花园和市场南部社区的壮丽景色. 

Meetings fuel San Francisco’s $10.3 billion tourism industry. In 2019, 莫斯康中心举办了49场会议,会议和会议行业的支出占1美元.90亿美元,占贝博体彩app旅游总支出的18%以上. 

About San Francisco Travel

贝博体彩app旅游协会是贝博体彩app市和县的官方目的地营销组织. Tourism is San Francisco's largest industry.  More than 25.2019年有800万人参观了这个目的地,消费超过100亿美元. 贝博体彩app的旅游业提供了超过82,500个工作岗位.

San Francisco is one of the metropolitan areas in the U.S. that has consistently kept Covid-19 largely under control. The  COVID-19 Prevention & Enhanced Cleaning Guidelines put forth by the Hotel Council of San Francisco, 确保我们的酒店业务遵守最详细的清洁和安全协议. 贝博体彩app旅游局邀请所有计划在2021年前来的游客,通过乘坐我们的旅行,为安全愉快的体验贡献自己的一份力量 Safe Travel Pledge

For information on meeting in San Francisco, visit alepscor.ycdwkj666.com/meeting-planners/.

For the latest meetings related updates, follow http://www.facebook.com/sfmeetings

http://www.instagram.com/sfmeetings/http://twitter.com/SFMeetings, and  http://www.linkedin.com/company/san-francisco-travel-association/mycompany/.

For information on reservations, activities and more, visit alepscor.ycdwkj666.com.  

For more about San Francisco, follow on http://www.facebook.com/onlyinSF/http://www.instagram.com/onlyinsf/, and http://twitter.com/onlyinsf

Please use hashtags #sftravel and #AlwaysSF.

About San Francisco International Airport  

贝博体彩app国际机场(SFO)希望你能好好旅行. SFO与地方、州和联邦卫生官员合作,防范COVID-19.  Measures include enhanced cleaning protocols, hundreds of hand sanitizer stations, physical barriers, face coverings for everyone and physical distancing. To learn more visit flysfo.com/travel-well.

SFO offers nonstop service to Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada, Mexico and across the United States. For up-to-the-minute departure and arrival information, airport maps and details on shopping, dining, cultural exhibitions, ground transportation and more, visit www.flysfo.com. Follow us on www.twitter.com/flysfo and www.facebook.com/flysfo.




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