San Francisco Travel Association Announces 2023 Visitor Impact Results 和 2024 Forecast | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
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San Francisco Travel Association Announces 2023 Visitor Impact Results 和 2024 Forecast

贝博体彩app吸引了23人.100万游客,每人消费8美元.80亿年 in 2023 和 total 访问or-related spending into the city’s economy was $9.30亿年

March 28, 2024 (San Francisco) – San Francisco Travel Association, the official destination marketing organization for the City 和 County of San Francisco, released 2023 访问or impact results 和 an updated 2024 forecast at its annual Marketing Conference held yesterday at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The conference also featured presentations 和 panel discussions on AI 和 other pioneering technologies 和 initiatives shaping the 访问or experience 和 destination sales 和 marketing.


贝博体彩app吸引了23人.到2023年,将有100万游客.同比增长2%. 游客消费增长了18%,达到8美元.80亿年. 2023年游客相关支出总额,包括494美元.6 million in meeting planner 和 exhibitor spending, increased by 20% to $9.30亿年.

A strong convention year—marked by global events including Dreamforce 和 the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders’ Summit—drove lodging gains. Hotel room nights attributed to delegates attending Moscone Center conventions totaled 618,298, an 82.比2022年增长6%. Moscone Center hosted 34 events in 2023, up from 33 the year prior.

酒店平均入住率上升3%.2% to 64.2%. 平均每日费用(ADR)为243美元.80, up 7.以2%的速度增长. 每间可用客房收入(RevPAR)增长了10%.6% to $156.43.

旅游业收入为609美元.6 million in tax revenue for the city, an increase of more than $87 million compared to 2022. The 访问or economy also helped support nearly 63,000 jobs in San Francisco, up 18%. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据,休闲 & hospitality industry was the second-largest source of employment in San Francisco in Q3 2023.

“San Francisco’s tourism recovery efforts continue to make steady progress. While 2023 had us on the right trajectory with increased 访问ation 和 访问or spending, we still have ground to cover before the full impact of 访问ors reaches pre-p和emic levels,斯科特·贝克说, 贝博体彩app旅游公司的总裁兼首席执行官. “Attracting more conventions 和 events to the city is a key focus for SF Travel given their citywide impact on San Francisco’s economy.”

“San Francisco is a thriving city full of vibrant neighborhoods, 公园及休憩用地, 无与伦比的观点, 还有世界上最好的食物和热情好客,伦敦市长布里德说. "We are proud to be welcoming more 访问ors back to our City 和 we are growing stronger every day, 但我们还有更多的工作要做. We will continue to do everything we can to make San Francisco a welcoming, 安全, 对游客来说是一个令人兴奋的城市, 工人, 我们的住院医生.”

International 访问ation continued to be a key driver in San Francisco’s tourism recovery, 2023年将增长26%. 超过200万的国际游客贡献了4美元.游客消费640亿美元.

According to the most recent 2023 data from Oxford Economics for San Francisco 和 San Mateo counties, 日本来访, 韩国, 中国增长了一倍多. China regained its position as the top international market for 访问or spend in San Francisco 和 San Mateo counties for the first time since 2019, 贡献633美元.400万年. The top five international markets for 访问or spending in 2023 were China, India, the U.K., Mexico, 和 Canada, 和 the top five for 访问or volume were Mexico, the U.K.美国、加拿大、德国和印度.


2023年,SFO客运量超过5000万人次,同比增长18%.2022年起7%. SFO去年增加了几十条新的和返回的航线, including 美国联合航空公司 launching its first nonstop service to Manila, 克赖斯特彻奇, 和 Rome; Starlux Airlines launching nonstop service from Taipei; 和 ITA Airways launching nonstop service from Rome. 另外, 上海国际机场恢复了中国直飞航班, 东方航空公司, 以及从北京起飞的中国南方航空公司, 上海, 和武汉, 分别.


San Francisco Travel forecasts growth in 访问ation 和 overall 访问or spending in 2024, 主要是由于休闲和商务旅行的增加. 预计游客人数将达到23人.700万,2.36 million international 访问ors forecast to contribute $5 billion of the anticipated $9.2024年游客消费将达到450亿美元.

Hotel occupancy is forecast to reach 65%, 和 ADR is projected to grow by 3.3% to $251.91 in 2024. 酒店平均每间客房收益预计将增加4%.7% to $163.82.

San Francisco Travel previously reported events at Moscone Center would be below their historical impact in 2024. The diminished impact of meetings 和 conventions is the direct impact of being unable to sell Moscone Center for two years during the p和emic.

莫斯康中心今年将举办25场活动, 占430多个,000个酒店房间夜. San Francisco’s ethos of innovation continues to be a strong magnet for business 和 technology meetings, 比如游戏开发者大会, RSA会议, Dreamforce, 和 Data + AI Summit taking place at Moscone Center this year.

Visitor spending is expected to surpass 2019’s levels by 2025, while 访问or volume is expected to reach 2019’s 26 million in 2026. The impact of San Francisco’s 访问or economy is expected to be back in volume 和 spending by early 2027.

SFO expects continued growth 和 projects it will service nearly 5400万年 passengers in 2024.


San Francisco Travel is the official destination marketing organization for the City 和 County of San Francisco. The city is one of the top tourism 和 meetings destinations in the U.S.,每年吸引超过2300万游客. 2023年,与游客相关的总支出贡献了9美元.30亿年 into the San Francisco economy 和 supported nearly 63,000 jobs.

For information on reservations, activities 和 more in San Francisco, 访问

继续关注贝博体彩app旅游 Facebook (www.脸谱网.com/onlyinSF/)、Instagram (,以及Twitter (www.推特.com/onlyinsf).


SFO is excited to welcome travelers back to the skies with an airport experience featuring seamless access, 深思熟虑的设施, 可持续的设计和鼓舞人心的艺术品和展品.

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美国联合航空公司 is the preferred airline of the San Francisco Travel Association.

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