
San Francisco Travel Association Forecasts Lodging Gains in 2023

(San Francisco) Aug. 17, 2023年——贝博体彩app旅游协会在由贝博体彩app旅游局主办的首届游客影响峰会上发布了最新的2023年游客和住宿预测 Hotel Council and San Francisco Travel today at the Fairmont San Francisco.

今年到目前为止,贝博体彩app的酒店客房需求增长了15%,酒店收入增长了30%. The average hotel occupancy in 2023 is projected to increase to 66.8%, up from 62% in 2022. Events and conventions have helped to drive lodging performance, with San Francisco’s premier convention and exhibition facility, Moscone Center, hosting 35 events and accounting for nearly 665,000 hotel room nights this year.

“Convention business has performed well, 12月中旬的日程安排非常紧凑,在莫斯科尼中心将举行Dreamforce、亚太经合组织经济领导人周和首席执行官峰会等重大活动. Events such as these draw tens of thousands of attendees, and APEC will place the city in the global spotlight,” said Joe D’Alessandro, San Francisco Travel’s President and CEO.

与2022年相比,今年该市的酒店客房库存预计将增长4%. 贝博体彩app酒店的日均房价(ADR)预计将达到246美元.09, up 7.7% from 2022, and a revenue-per-available room (RevPAR) of $164.29, an increase of 15.9%.

Visitor volume to San Francisco is forecast to increase by 6.2% to 23.3 million, and visitor spending is forecast to reach $8.5 billion, up 13.9% from 2022. While San Francisco’s tourism industry is steadily recovering, 贝博体彩app旅游局表示,预计旅游业在未来几年内不会超过该行业破纪录的疫情前水平.

“贝博体彩app仍然是一个伟大的投资,仍然是世界顶级旅游目的地之一,” said Alex Bastian, President & CEO of the Hotel Council of San Francisco. 今年秋天即将举行的亚太经合组织会议给了贝博体彩app一个在世界舞台上闪耀的好机会. Working together with our city leaders and hospitality partners, we’ll continue to lean into the City’s recovery.”

“我们专注于为我们的居民确保一个安全和友好的城市, workers and businesses, and visitors from around the world," said Mayor London Breed. “旅游业是贝博体彩app经济复苏的主要贡献者, 随着人们的回归,我们开始看到明显的改善. 这座城市重新焕发出兴奋和活力,我们将继续利用这一势头,确保贝博体彩app仍然是一个充满活力和繁荣的全球顶级目的地,这样人们就会继续访问我们的城市,并在这里度过时光.”

近200万国际游客——由于他们逗留时间更长、消费更高,是贝博体彩app旅游业的重要组成部分——预计将花费4美元.2 billion this year. The U.K., 欧洲和印度仍然是贝博体彩app强劲的海外游客市场, 而墨西哥和加拿大仍然是该市最大的国际游客来源国.

Comparing August 2019 with August 2023, 贝博体彩app国际机场(SFO)报告称,94%的每周国际航班已经恢复, and weekly seat capacity is 93.6% of pre-pandemic levels. New airlines added to the SFO network this year include ITA Airways, Norse Atlantic and ZIPAir, flying from Rome, London and Tokyo, respectively. SFO目前有40家国际航空公司提供服务,随着2023年12月从台北出发的Starlux航班的加入,SFO将增加到41家. Prior to the pandemic, SFO was served by 43 international carriers.

2023 Visitor & Hospitality Forecast


2024 Outlook

贝博体彩app旅游局(San Francisco Travel)预计,在上周中国宣布取消对赴美团体游的限制后,2024年亚洲入境游客将进一步增长.S. and weekly flights between China and the U.S. will double starting in September. 美国联合航空公司宣布,计划在11月重新启动从SFO到北京的服务,并在10月增加从SFO到上海的每日直飞服务. In 2019, 518,000 visitors from China accounted for $1.2 billion in visitor spending in San Francisco and the Peninsula.

国际和国内休闲和商务旅行的持续增长将推动贝博体彩app旅游业在2024年的持续复苏. Visitor volume is expected to reach 24.3 million, with 2.3 million international visitors forecast to contribute $4.8 billion of the anticipated $9.4 billion in total visitor spending. Moscone Center is slated to host 21 events accounting for 426,951 hotel room nights, down 34% compared to 2023.

“Since 2019, 我们一直在报道2024年对于会议来说将是更具挑战性的一年,因为一些会议被取消,而且这是轮换活动的休年. But every year after 2024 shows steady growth in conventions, with 2028 and beyond trending to be above 90% of the average,” said D’Alessandro.

To attract more events to Moscone Center in future years, 贝博体彩app旅游公司正在利用现有的莫斯科恩恢复基金和2010年的基金.25% TID increase that goes into effect in 2024. 工贸署的增加将建立一个800万至1000万美元的激励基金,以吸引和留住莫斯康中心的业务,直至2038年.

So far this year, 贝博体彩app旅游公司的会议销售团队已经确认在莫斯康中心举办16场活动, 从2024年Visa支付论坛(将首次在该市举行)到2026年超级碗LX & NFL Experience. 此外,今年迄今已预订了500多个独立会议和活动. 这些简短的会议将在湾区的酒店和活动场所举行, primarily in 2023 and 2024 in San Francisco. The 2024 lodging outlook projects a hotel occupancy of 68.1% and an ADR of $252.59. RevPAR is expected to increase by 4.7% to $172.04.

The Visitor & 住宿预测公司预计,游客支出将超过2019年创纪录的9美元.6 billion in 2025 and visitor volume will be just shy of 2019’s 26.2 million by the end of 2026. Presented by Expedia, 游客影响峰会在赞助商的支持下得以举办, including the Fairmont San Francisco; J.P. Morgan Wealth Management; Miles Partnership; Encore; Headshots and the San Francisco Business Times.

San Francisco Travel 

贝博体彩app旅游协会是贝博体彩app市和县的官方目的地营销组织. 这座城市是美国最热门的旅游和会议目的地之一.S. and received 21.9 million visitors in 2022. Total tourism spending in 2022 exceeded $7.7 billion. 旅游业是贝博体彩app经济最大的外部收入来源,支持着超过53个城市,000 jobs.

有关贝博体彩app的预订、活动和更多信息,请访问 alepscor.ycdwkj666.comOpens in new window

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The Hotel Council of San Francisco 

贝博体彩app酒店理事会是一个非营利性的会员制组织,倡导贝博体彩app酒店业的经济和社会活力. 会员名单包括200多家酒店、联盟成员和合作伙伴组织. 酒店理事会致力于保护贝博体彩app的酒店业,并将其成员联系起来,以支持该行业的发展和成功. 

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