San Francisco Travel Strengthens Organization with New Appointments and Promotions | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
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San Francisco Travel Strengthens Organization with New Appointments and Promotions

The organization continues its mission to promote the San Francisco region as a top global destination with a growing, 才华横溢的团队.

(贝博体彩app)2月. 2, 2023年-贝博体彩app旅游协会, the official destination marketing organization for the City and County of San Francisco, 宣布最近的晋升和任命, 加强公约销售 & Services, Marketing, Tourism Development, Public Policy and Finance divisions.

丹·罗森鲍姆 被提升为 全球营销副总裁. 在营销团队工作了12年的老手, Dan has innovated the company’s digital marketing and forged new partnerships that have consistently expanded San Francisco Travel’s global reach and local impact. The recent reorganization of the marketing team has allowed Dan greater management opportunities. 作为副总统, he will directly oversee the team’s efforts to drive additional private revenue, 休闲房夜, 以及网站的经济影响. He will also oversee marketing support for the Tourism and Convention Sales & 为团队提供服务,帮助他们实现公司的目标. Dan is a California native and a graduate of University of Colorado Boulder.

金伯利李 被提升为 会议服务高级总监 & Events. Since returning to San Francisco Travel in April 2021 as Director, Convention Services & Events, Kimberly assumed additional responsibilities for convention events, site inspections and overall services for meetings and Moscone Center groups. 金伯利负责最近扩大的会议服务 & 作为她新职责的一部分. 她有成功进行现场检查和活动的经验, along with developing a volunteer program to welcome convention attendees to downtown San Francisco and the Moscone Center, 让她把部门的服务提升到一个新的水平.  金伯利在贝博体彩app旅行社工作了18年多, beginning her career in convention sales before transitioning to convention services.

San Francisco Travel has expanded its convention sales team in the Midwest, appointing 凯特大炮 as 高级经理,会议销售-中西部地区. She is based in Chicago and is responsible for lead generation and managing self-contained accounts in the region. 在加入贝博体彩app旅行社之前, 凯特在各大酒店品牌的销售部工作, 包括希尔顿全球凯悦酒店和大使馆套房.  最近, 她为芝加哥希尔顿酒店出售多处房产, 代表芝加哥希尔顿酒店, 帕尔默酒店希尔顿, 德雷克酒店, 之前是芝加哥康拉德酒店. Kate attended college in Massachusetts at Framingham State University. 她是芝加哥人,2005年至2007年住在贝博体彩app.

奥斯卡李CMP重新加入贝博体彩app旅游公司 会议服务部高级经理 & Events 作为该部门2022年扩张计划的一部分. Oscar曾于2013年至2020年在贝博体彩app旅游公司工作. 在他的新角色中, Oscar works with the self-contained sales team and provides destination services to groups, manages specific client events and connects groups to San Francisco Travel’s partners.  Oscar has been a part of the San Francisco hotel and hospitality industry for over 35 years and has held sales and marketing roles with Hyatt Hotels, 目的地酒店及度假村(现为凯悦目的地酒店), 和全日空酒店(现在的洲际酒店).

齐克Ramsell 被提升为 会议销售高级经理. He consistently exceeded goals in his previous role as Manager, Convention Sales. 在新的职位上, Zeke will focus on further expanding the association’s customer base and network and on closing new and repeat business. Over the past two years, Zeke has been recognized in the hospitality industry for his work. 他赢得了 智能会议” 新星催化剂奖, was a part of Destinations International’s “30 under 30” Class of 2021 and most recently was awarded the Supplier of the Year at the BAMIES by PCMA NCC.

劳拉·皮 他将于2月10日加入贝博体彩app旅游公司. 27, 2023, as 会议销售高级经理. She will be based in San Francisco and handle self-contained accounts on the West Coast. 在加入协会之前, 劳拉在贝博体彩app欧米尼酒店担任高级销售经理, 处理会计/财务, 咨询, 保险市场. 最近,她是皇宫酒店的高级销售主管. 劳拉被评为2020年度最佳MYSF专业人士. 第五代贝博体彩app人, she grew up in Oakland and graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management, 以公约为重点, Meetings & 事件管理,辅修工商管理.

曼迪瑞安 加入贝博体彩app旅游公司为 高级经理,全球公关和媒体关系. 在她的角色中, Maddy is responsible for media relations and supporting the public relations function of the organization. 麦蒂的职业生涯是在公共关系方面度过的, 与旅游品牌合作, 科技和生活方式产业, 包括名人邮轮, 云到街, 领先的洪水测绘平台, 用Klossy编写非营利性的Kode. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Environmental Studies from Stonehill College.

梅丽莎Amato-BernierCMP重新加入贝博体彩app旅游公司 高级经理,全球活动 在合伙人部. Melissa previously worked at San Francisco Travel from 2015 to 2020. 在她的新角色中, she will produce the San Francisco Travel 基金会’s educational conferences, 贝博体彩app旅游年会, 全年还有各种各样的社交活动. Melissa has been a part of San Francisco’s hospitality industry for almost 20 years, 在饭店和酒店工作. She is native to the Bay Area and holds an MBA in Food and Wine from the University of Bologna. 

Tim Tieu 已被任命 全球旅游发展高级经理. He will play a key role in executing integrated marketing campaigns, 提升了贝博体彩app旅游公司的国际办公社区, 处理旅行通讯. 在过去的八年里, Tim grew memberships and helped build successful community marketing programs from scratch at Asana, 总部位于贝博体彩app的工作管理软件公司. 湾区本地人, 蒂姆曾就读于康奈尔大学, 他在那里获得了酒店管理学位.

珍妮丝李 被提升为 高级总监,财务 & 政府. Her expanded leadership responsibilities include overseeing the San Francisco Tourism Improvement District Management Corporation’s fiscal management and administrative service and working with San Francisco Travel Board members. Janice has been with San Francisco Travel for over 15 years and worked in the association’s accounting department for more than 10 years.

茱莉亚罗马 已被任命 公共政策和行政办公室项目主任.  在她的角色中, 茱莉亚负责管理, programming and engagement of San Francisco Travel’s Board of Directors and works closely with Board Councils and Committees, 城市代表、行业合作伙伴和领导者. 她在董事会管理方面有丰富的经验, 参与和治理, 在社区关系中也是如此, 联盟建设和项目管理. 在加入贝博体彩app旅行社之前, she was Manager of Trustee Affairs at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. 在这个角色中, she also coordinated with government affairs on events with elected officials and candidates.


The San Francisco Travel Association is the official destination marketing organization for the City and County of San Francisco. 旅游业是贝博体彩app最大的产业.  25人以上.8 million people visited the destination in 2019, spending more than $10 billion. 贝博体彩app的旅游业提供了超过86000个工作岗位.

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美国联合航空公司 is the preferred airline of the San Francisco Travel Association.

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